*With mnusic and with drania c.,ombiîned in the prograni. the. Woman's Clubp f Wilrnette ter- minates. another. regular club, season Wednesday,. April 28. The occasion is the annual l,uncheon In the Crystal. bail- room of tbe Edgewater Beach bote!. F r ed e r i c k Schwenpe,.,. baritone, with Doriss Wittich, bis accompahist, and Goodman Tbeater players-w ill entert aini members andý guesîs. At' the luncheon Mrs.- David i Davis, - retiring president of the club, wilI preside. The prgam fo-owing the lJunch- eon. unfailingly one of the gala events of the club year, will be: sento nel core ........... .. Sciratti Die Manacht . ....... - -Brahms zueignung ..... ....... . 1..... $trausts *prologue from TagIliacci' Leoneavallo Mfr. Schweppe One Act Play-Goodman Theater Playe1rs Micael Ferrall. Honora MaeGll-. cuddy, Frederick Helder. Greenwood avenue, ivas elec tec to the presidency of the Wom- The Neighbors of Kenilworth ani's, Club., of, Wilmette, at the arte prt)tised a niost entertain- anua eeting- and' final club ing afternoon following the an- dayWedesdy o laI wek. nual luncheon April 27, at the Taking office with ber at. the an- Kenilworth> club.. There vl be nual luncheon will be Mrs. .Hlenry . a short business meeting %vit.h Cutier, first vice - president;, Mrs. ýelection of officers at 12 o'clock. William H. Hayti recordinig secre- luncheon -being -served a t- 12 :30. -t~ ary; Nfrs, Hare L.~ad, litera turccharman o 61Zte uexpredFollowing this, an amateur pro- term of Mirs. Earl E. Graham: mrs. gramib members of the 'clul) J. Robb Harper, chairinan of the art giving a humorous take-offo.n department; MIvrs. Lincoln C. TorreY, "Co nference," the organiza.tion home and education;. Mrs. Robert' C.Marley, inusic; Mrs. D. Porter through. which women's clubs Empfield, philanthropy; Mrs. Evan secure: programs, .ivili, provide L. Ellis, bulletin; Mrm.Howard, E. amusement, for the, afterno on. Ringholm, ways and means; -Mrs. Acting as presi dent of this group Mathew Francis Photo Harvey A. Bush, junio~r advisor., will be Mirs. Paul Gilbert, with Ms L R .4 ?A da;ms, 9r, Grf en - Those continuing in office for anl- LoadPia sscea spo t,.ood avenue, Wilipette, uws elecied ôh - r g ft c J~rain Phirn illse r9; s. ipo president of the Woonns Club of Boothe, second vice-president; Mrs. gtre ramcamn il b rs. eoge pht Wiirnette for a two-year terni at the Charles F. Krem.er, third vice-presi- Stanet, ray ~ondBei' annual mieting Wted>iesday, A4pril dent; Mrs. Stanley F. Johnson, cor- literature - Mrs. AnnRyo iii- 14.~~~~ Sh ilb ie /.gv f re sponding secretary; Mrs.' F. L. strumental music; Mrs. Alired NýVilt- 14. S he adI e galp 1h alof McOrath,' treasurer; Mrs. John A. berger, vocal music; Mrs. Rufus B. o~ffice ait te wina uceoptai Donaldson, civks; Mrs. George B, Stolp, art ; Mrs. Earl Moss, homle atit prograrn f0o be held at the Edgewotter Williams, program; Mrs. Edward L. educatioti. Beach bhote! piext WVedtiesdoy. Lange, social; Mrs. H. C. Toeppen. MIrs. George Bell will play piano rentals; Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, house and selections, while Mrs. Wayne WVi1- grounds.. son performs on her guitar. M~ Theodore Moritz will give somne incý rauL fon M\onday -evening. Miay 3, tZOci-K.r-j Frederick Schweppe is a newcomer at the Wilrnette Wornan's club. Aprîl to Chicago, having been for t he past At this . tinie the members of the Mrs- seve yeas hed ofthe usicde-Evening Garden Club of Wilmnette will nue, partment at Valparaiso university. be invitecl to be thé guests of the after- He has sung for twenty of the largest noon club anid bear a programi of great Chicago clubs this season and they. have .unaninlously pronounced bis interest to residents of this 'tree- th.- n& I4thevhave hat A blessed" village, a talk 1»' John Davey. Il. be held Friday afternoon. logue., Mrs, F. W. Iluermaiiîuis ~tE) at 2 o'clock at the home of sinlg, with Mrs. H. Hammiond lier iph Stoetzel; 245 Park ave- accompailist. icoe. . The luncheon and programi will be the final meeting of the year and. it is hoped there will be *many pres- ent. Reservations are to be madle lu Re-elected witli Mrs. J. A. Clements of -381 Sterling road flot later than Satur- day noon, April 24. No cancellations .-y jwill be accepted after noon Monday. *Aoril 26.the .club annoncnes. *na manMy Ohr'. as ot t eryv week-aay. e tion, to office. iflYr- Ref;eshrnents furnished, by the rganiza- hostess assisted l>y Mrs. Charles NV. terni of Rose and Mrs.' Stanley Johnson, hroî,ghî the, meeting t10la close. 1: .1