The great dilemmna for- youtb bas been -,the gap between scbool and',tbe lob. Foôr six years :the scblools bave turned out graduates1 for whom ter *as nô place. .Youtb bas been called selfish, 1 stub- born, superficial, egotistical, without respect, reverence, or responsibility. It's an old, old story, he said.. Five- thousand years ago there were simi-. lar diatribes against youtb. ,He mentioned tbree fallacies that cause, aduits to ,be alarmed about youth-idealizatioti, on *the part of theý aduit, of. his- own youth; making no allowance for tbe great changes ini the if e of today; and a tendency to confuse "coniventionaI' and "moral." Preceding the lecture, two annual reports were given. Mrs. David Davis, Wilmette, read. the interestiiig report of her second year as presideiit and Mrs. Floyd L. McGrath gave the treasurer' s report. Tbe election of officers 'wvas the an- nounced by Mirs. George Conilee, the new officers named ini another article in this paper.-F.B.. Miss Dorothy W iseman 0.1 Tex-ý a rkaio, Texas, and Robert Ji. Ker- shaW, formnerly of Winn)etkèl, w.ill be maïried Saturda-y, May 15,. in T'exarkaita,, Miss Wiseman. - mot her, Mrs. John R. WÙ'eman, aninoulices at the saint, timtn ftsite makesý knou'n the engagement. The bride. and bride groom, 7cho is the son of Dr, and MJrs, Y3ert Il. Ke'rShao 0of Winnetka, wi11 make their home in Dallas. Circle Meeting The April meeting ig of the East .st Coilgregati follwing the cereniony. Mr. Kirby, who -was grachuatecl frmNew Trier High school in '32, was Kradated a year ago from the Color.ado State College of. Education. and bas been teachinghistory since then in the higb scbool of Kersey, Colo. R is bride bas beeni teacbing first grade ini the Iersey scbools since ber graduation two years ago from 'tbe Peru Normal scbool. in Nebraska. M r. and Mrs, Kirby expect their son and bis wife to spend. part cfl the summer with tbem. Fo0rmer Winneikan Will: Wed Texas Girl in May Mrs. Jobn R. Wiseman of Tex- ar1kiha, ' eèà'aInnunce theena- ment of ber daughter, Dorothy, to Robert J. ICershaw,. formerly of Win- netka. Tbe marriage will take place Saturday, May 15, i Texarkana, and after a honeymoof trip to New, Or- leans tbe young couple will reside iii Dallas, Texas. Mr. Kershaw, soni of Dr. and. Mrs. Bert H. Kersbaw of ceeu».t kùnjg ah*8 Cordro everaUs $1.95 Mhen 1 1 e. Bride Todoy Are, You, Read y for Summer ? is almost here.,. and you'Ul want 'if Loo of Dmffle, eraene WI.u'sai luwashable Il I &&ue~&.on