Memories of magnificent scenery and strange, races of people, a col- lection of unusual relies, and. a quan- tity of fine photographs, and motion pictures were brougkht home, from South America by Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cooke of 35 Lakewood drive Glencoe, who recently returned to the north shore after spending two ani one-haif 'months -circling the continent. From the savage tribes of Ecuador, one of their first stops after passing through the Panama canal, they brought back--the human head of a woman, resembling a doll's head. With skeletal remains removed, the rue* 1Silver Figures Peruvian silver figures, a silver re- cetceand tube for sipping the national beverage, mate; shoes of native women and children, and a quantity of paper éuùrency and coins are in the collection. South Am- erican monçy, different in each of the ten or more countries, is of small denomination, and a traveler f rom the States requires almost a satchel full for a day's shopping. SPassing from Ecuador into Peru the Cookes stopped at Limfa, ýflying from- there to Arequipa,, sôéme 400 miles. That saine plane, then ex- periencing motor trouble, crashed two weeks later killing six people. In Peru the party also visited Pisac near Cuzco. and there hbad intite~ primitive low than i ago duning the sociý of the Incas, and p somne cases, use foundlations. Every% Ilamna, beast of bui of the native wool tnat suînmer vacation are again thîs year visiting the transplanted tiorth.- woodsexhibits for an answer to the annual question of "Where to Go?ý" Marking its thirteenth year as a realistic attraction. to. Chicago's- vaca- tiou-minded, the National Out-floor Life exposition is being held in tht. exhibition hall of the Hotel. Shermani this weekl. The exposition remiains openi through Saturday. N Resort men and guides fronm the choicest fishing. hunting.and, rec 1rea- ,inspots of Minnesota, Wisoin Michi gan and Canada, are nîaking their annual trekc froni their îrorth- wood haunlts to be at the show so tha -t chi cagoans may obtain :from t hein firstý-hand' informiation on. northcrn, vacationlan ds. WVith theni is an array of aniiii, Wprimeval settings in the exhibition hall of the Hotel Sherman. lit the Nor'thwoods nienagerie are such wild life as beavers, mnink, deer, cuh bears, fox, porcupines, pheasants, quail, mal- lard ducks and "miuskies" frozen iin of ice. a- hIe regort district represented at - the National Out-Door Show are the f Lake of the Woods and Rainey Lake 1y. Pone Wim..tka 3000 Garo Rug CI.oners Ml Lim.Ave. Ilubb" dW.ods To view the most sensation al mountait scenery of ail, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke went south froni Santiago,. Chule, 20 Crossit hours by train into the Chilean lake Buenos 1i ot Japan. Cross Argentina iig Argeî1tina they Aires,. Moiteviile( and saw ik which to Fuji- also has an ex- show. 1. volcanic phait lake, bestý known source of asphaît in the world. The bed of the stopped ai lake covers 110 acres and continually 0 in Uru- oozes asphaît to the surface. The razil, noue supply is saidto be as abundant now ty with the as when they first started digging it 1 = cr nAg I motored Qzarks. I