Tons of rapidly whirling steelinl the modem central station's turbo-geacratof arceas perfecdy tiein smooth action as is the minute mnecha' lie tufbo.gêeeator is a giane time-picce whose ever>' operation demands dlock-Iike pre- cision» les product-elcl ty-"uns ypur doc. lus carefiy controiled speceI is gauged to a splie second and electricit>' is sent to home, factory and diffet power jobs and 200 spccialized indus- trial duties. It energizes smali motors. for al kinds of commcrciad purposes, cheaiply and eagineers arc constaatly devising new ways to appl>' k ta industry. Ih-spite of the mlan>' uses ta which electricit>' is put, it remains prctty much of ; myster>' ta Most of us. 59 AlPRIL 21 937 1 -11l*ýýo