iN. La Sai St, OmCagoý' Cntal0227 151sbemmn Ave, EManson University 2600 OIL BURNIERS 1*sillOflb oand Service Ail fMakesà Pay and Night ServWce form of investment. One group and quite a large one, favors the purchase -of farin land, "flnot onily as a saf e place to put money, but as a possible refuge wbheme a man can own acow and some chickens and hide saf ely,' wben it is. go. longer safe in otber, parts of the. country. WelI, forgetting -tbe factor of buman safe- ty, there are still other safety factors to be considered in purcbasing a farm and the city novice wbo likes newly painted buildings and nice looking bomesites, van well afford to get good advice. Tbe belp of an experienced real estate salesman is not enough. If you are eally serious about getting dit farm, consult your state univer- sity or agricultural scbool, the couinty agent or the banker ini tbe town near- est the farm. Read un on soils. crops, good 2ences, tiig, etc., WUiUCDe an bonest buy at $125 per acre. Look out for the bàrgaini. -Cbances -are tbey are -not even worth ,tbe low asking" price. Tbe best dirt farms are to be hadt in Central and Nortbern Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin. 160ý acres is a practical working unit. Duying Near City Anotber group of investors has. mucb the same ideas as that mnen- tioned above, excepting tbat it wants. its farms close to Chicago. This group figures such farms migbt have a future, such as a subdivision, golf course, cemetery,. etc . Prices for.such farmis vary in almost direct propor- tion'to the distance from tbe City. The condition of tbe soil is flot th-e only consîderation. The same is true of P hone Z21 WiInstte OIL DURNERS & AIR tCONDITIONING Distributor Hart Équipment Serving the North Shore 25 Ylu. té0,buv not snin 11.>iv Leonarci C. Zangs bas purchased the two lots at the corner of Beverly. c ou rt-and Margate terrace in 1Briar- wo ods" :and, grouiid will be broken, within' the next few- days for.a2 mod- ern bri ck> resiclence, wbicb will con- taàin the most modern developments in jnsulating, heating and air condi- tioning. William C. Tackett and coin- pany ýwill be 'the contractors. and it is estimated that the bouse, conitaining four bedrooms, tbree and one-half batbs and witb a two-car attacbed and beated garage will cost, about $16,O00 Martin M. Simpson' has purcbased a lot on: tbe west side of Beverly court and plans.are now being-drawn for a modern brick house of Englisb, type. Construction is to be started as soon as tbe plans have been com- pleted. Clame. Hinkley, a. Glencoe architect, is designing a six-roorn Englisb. brick -bouse for Lynn Latta who bas recent- ly moved to Chicago f rom Toledo. . The house is to be erected ini Briar- w oods on Oxford road, just north of Kingston terrace and will combine beauty and utility in an economical manner. Before deciding on Briar- woods, Mr.. Lat'ta made an extensive survev of possible locations. Discuss YOUR PLANS WITH US Let us assist you in financing your new home or in re-financing your present homeé on a convenient basis at low rates. lands.1 shore, ier than su: especially es, are a mu brick house with a two-car garage ions and the lot is to be specially land- dons scaped with Miss Wbite's favorite are trees, bushes, and flowers. und- Still ariother bouse is being planned the for Briarwoods by a Wilmiette resi- bet- dent who bas asked that bis nlame iould be withheld for tbe present. I 011, BURNïNG ENGINEERS, X D 4 L'AV! E. ý ANSI ON W!iMi-Tlf: