The permit for the remodeling work was takén out by John C. WiI-. liam's, 655,Cherry street, and Charles Waterton, 1205 Cberry.street is build- Üig the garage. During the fiscal year ciiding, March 31, a total of 161 perà lits were issued ini Winnetka for improveentts *totaling $1,208,135, according to a ne- port just issued by Building'LItspector \Tormnan E. Schmnidt.ý Tbese included 48 neW nesidences costing $1,ý012,600; 23 accessory build- iigs. such, as garages, etc.,. $29.025;* 112 commercial buildings,, $9,200, and 88 alterations -and. additions, $157,310. a..ji..#. expert nîind astoiiished ipnloin Pic- tîire scouts rcce;itly, i.s ondb IihHollôow farm, tthe Lkc estate j» Ba'Irrmgiitoi. Talent scouts recently called at the Iederer's in a nationwide search for .IN HOSPITAL IN PÀkIS dog, talent. "We. have seeni the im-: Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, possible; in fact,. when we gi .ve the sailed last week on the proçdIcers the details of bis wr and Brernen to be withlits s'on, Clifton B. rssote wl aiisneiv Osgood, who is confined to the Ameni-exrsin hywlsaitsublev can hospital in Paris, France. Clifton, able," one of the visitors declared. who bias been spending a year in M.r. Lederer had histramner, Richard London and Paris studying' banking, Milke, put Noah through his paces. is suffering frotn tbe effects of an Two of the remarkable feats the dog attack of influenza. As soon as hie is performed were freeing a man bound sufficiently recovered be and h with sash cord and trailing a "kid- father will sail f or the United States. napper' with dispatcb. FIRS-T MORTGAGB LOANS on ilnproved real, estate ii Chicago and subujrbo are made by The.F'Hm. National Bank of Chicago*. Low itrs rates and attractive plans :areé offered on well4-ocated 1property* Redl Estate Loan Department 1W OM tORo I*AUfflf, MOISM AMLA« S JUEII on Wa gner Road SHIORE REAL FSTATE BOARD CO-OPERATION WITH MEMBERS 0F EVANSTON-NORTH I e IN