zpuriuDuu. làumuiii. F. . ACIUR 112 IGHILAND AVE. WILMOTTr. IL. ýPHONE 1176 15A-L.TN47-4tP MASON CONTRACTOR Fla'gstone Boulders BRICK AND CEMENT WORK TUCK POINTING B. HARTWELL WINNETKA 2864 15A-LTN49-tfCý JOSEPH KNEIP. CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Specializing - Waterprooflig Basemefits 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 15A-LTN49-.4tP CARLBENGST1QN CARPENTER AND BUaILDER Repairing and Remodeling Cali WINNETKA 2480 after 6 p. m. i aA..L'r49"4tp CLOCK WEPAEWUIU CLOCKS EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, antique dcock repaîring. Learned trade ln Europe. <Formerly with Tiffany, and Field's.) WilI cail1. Free estiniate., David Johansson, phone Graceland 3846.. 20LTN42-12tp DRSSMAKINOi COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Giowns - Wraps - Suits - Coats O0rlginal - Copied - Re8tyIed - Âitered 833 Elm Street Winnetka 1011 22LrN48-4tp JDRESSMAKING REMODELING Curtains, Drapes. Roasonable. your home or mine. Phono Greenloat 2629. 22LTN50-Itp EIECTRICAL SERVICE T AIATI welazxJg, autoobieine sIInop*IA rnnu parts jobbers. PA VLIK BROTHERS PHONE KÇENIIWORTH 1280-820 16LTN31-26tp J. Shortridge Masofl-Contractor Brick, Cement, and Lily-Pools STONE WORK A SPECIAL'TY Personal Attention 421 Richmond Roai Kenitworth 273b 1 9.rnan -4t.. Est.blshe 815years on ,North -SIur L.j. THALMAN ComplIFTE MAINTENANCE SERVICE LAWNS A SPECIALTY Nursery Stock Stone Work Fertilisers Sprinklers Black Dirt Tree Surgery Seed, DrivowaYs 2323 Lake Avenue, Phone: Wilmette 561 33A-LTN50-lte L AWN WORK-RE-DESIGNING OLD gardons and tranuplantiflg your ahrube, tes aid evrgreonu;jFlgatone walko, dry wallu uni werraces. Comploeslino.61, nuirery stock and gardon supplie. 9Soi, soi, mnure. grams sod, forWilfiUsè ad buai dPes.t Mons. WILLIAM WEERS &CO'* N60-ltp - *.LANDSCAPING )EN TREE SURGEIRY Servce YING IL FOR We aiswo have trained mon for mi, $.0 MAINTENANCE BEDDING PLAI JACOB KRAMER 1008 Sherman Ave., Evans. Visit our new store ln No h 21 BLACK SOI] lacaterpillar tractor. dJOHlN ULLIAN FRANK FERRARO 401,Jefferson St., Glencoe, Illinois Phone Glencoe 1012 32-L50-ltp LANDSCAPE MATERIALS BLACK DIRT, 4 YD. LOAD. $1.50 YD, Straw, fertilizer, peat moss, lime, etc. Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413 42LTN50-ltp Painting and Decorating INTElUOR AND EXTERIOR Reasonably priced. .Work .guaranteed . No Job Io too smal or too large. Est. given free of charge. Best* materiis used. We mention no priceà in our ad but we give you actual 10w price. M.L Lazar Wilmette 2317 42LTN50-4tp CL.CALC, $2 UP ROOM PAPEIIED, $5; RM. WALL paper cieaned, $1; we do an>' kind of decoratiflg, ver>' reasonabi>'. Kitchen painted, $7 up;- bathroomh enoarflod, $6 up. Also, outaide paintiflg. ver>' reason- able. WI ecommiended. LOUIS WINN. 258 WIL. 3503 42LTN50-1-tp FRED I. BROBERG &Lr ANTING- 014 goor mnade l1k. new with eiectrical dustieus machine. 1429 Lunt-B1ia'ga.te 1061. 42LTN446-tfc 0. DURKOOP & SONS Painting and Decorating GLENCON1612 42LTN48-3tp *E. NELSON Painting &. Interior Decorating WILMETTIC 1891 42LT1449-4tp W., E. E$RICK$]UN E. W. HUCK Painting, Paperhanging & Decorating- Work done rase. Interior & Exterlor. PHONE WILMETTE 2418 42LTN50-ltP PAINTING, PAPERHÂNGINQ AND DECORATINU WO1UK DONE reasonably, interior and exterio*. Tom Wosuer Ph. WiIUiOtte 1879 NG.I WILL DO LAUNDRY AT HOME. CALL IFOR AND DELIVER.. WINNETKA *tp 3611. 34LTN50-ltc I W*15 JL J-4 s