lth 2 chlldren. . $15.' e4451. 71LTN5O-lte CAPABLE, WOMAN, COMPLETE charge- small home, and 8-year-old girl, for 3 days beglnninýg Aprl 29. $5. Glencoe 1486. 71LTN5-ltc ~GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ln family of three. References re-ý qulred. Telephone Wilmette 4191. 71LTN50-1tc 1 FIRST CLASS COOK, 2 IN FAMILY -4 ln help *20., 1 chamber maid- Glencoe.-$16. 1 nursemaid--2 children) -$15. Wnnetka 3613. 71LTN5-itc, AKLERT MARRIED WOMAN OVER 3Ô .for part time work. 'Exceptlonially good pay. Address B134, Box 6,W1 mette, 111. 7 1LTN5-ltpi WHITE GIRL FOR COOKING,, SERV- ing, and 1t floor work. Winnetka. 986. WHITE MAID FOR GEN E RA L . housework. Experienced Laundry. Small famlly. References. Kenllworth 47M3.71LTN5-tp MAID FOR COOKING AND HOUSE- work. No laundry. Own room and bath. Wilmette 2838. 71LTN50-ltp. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSËWORK. White, small family. Phone WInnetke 1057. 71LTN50-ltp 19.34 BUICk SPT. COUPE 40 SERIES perfect car, new paint, large radio, heater. Good tires, very low mileage. This is certainly a fine carfor only- $400 '35 Ponitac 4 dr. sed. this wek.... $495 Many othier. good running cars from $50 to $100. HARRINGTON MOTORS .Hudàson -Terraplane Dealers 1110 Chicago Ave. Gre. 4444 77A-LTN5-tc 1936 OLDSMOBILE 8 CYL. TUDOR TOURINU SEDAN,2 .built in trunk, dual equipmnent, heater, etc. ThiIs car bas been reconditioned and ls guaranteed to be in Ist class condi- tion. Our best buyr, at $675. LAKE SHORE MOTORS 1014-16 Chicago Avenue 77A-LTN5-tc .*G-00Q J6 i- CARS 1936 Dodge 2 door, 13,000 miles 1933 Ford Coupe Gardner Sedan, $13,5 Ford Panel Truck VIC HILL 421 Green Bay Road Wilmette 744-745 '7'7 A qMA ROOM WITH SL SINGLE $7.50. F ALSO GARAGE. 81 NUE, 1V1LMÉ7TTE. FOR Two, $10.5,0. 15 :FOREST AVE- 82LTN450-ltp, QUIET COIIFORÏÀ13LE FURNISHED* rooms. (Gentlemen preferred. Near. transportation. Phone Glencoe 887. 82LTN50-ltp LARGEý CORNER FRONT ROOM. Nèwly decorated and furnished. 2 élosets. ý4 blocks to "~L" terminal. Phone mornings, Wiimette 2541. 82LTNS-ltp> WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS WANTED: LARGE ROOM. CONN4EC1- ing sunroom or sleeping porch, garage. Wish to use own furniture. . Year around renting, begtnning May il.t, by a Win- netka teacher. Winnetka 3389. 83L50-ltp WANTED TO REN-LT. SKPG. RMS. WANTED - LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- 1- - m fn n- 'F,,a.qonrichir ra r rnent for rent from MaY l5th Ito Octo- ber. Mrs. MacArthur, 706 Glenicoe Road, Glencoe, Illinois. 93L50-ltp BEAUT. FURN. 2 IIM. KITCH. APT.; Newly. dcc.Innerspring mattresses. Gas, light, heat, and elec. refrig. free. 2 blocks from ail schoxils, ail transp. Nice- big yard. $55 a xnonth. Phone Wilmnette 2791, 10391 Linden Ave. '93LTN48-ltp HOsusS TO sH^aR COUPLE TO SHARE EAST WIN'- NETKA HOME WITH WIDOW. *NO OBJECTION TO ONE SMALL cmILD. VERY REAS. 635 WILLOW, WINN. 505-W. 96LTN50-Itp FOR RENT-HýOUUEs THIS SUMMER'S DREAM 0F A HOME n TLFlLLED! . ise ln 315 Ct W.G *Ri 517 DAVIS Call «U- VANSTON ship. 424 Li enue. O-utp ýINT. 4, 5 ani ' and al Ave. 4771 Col.' 5b edrms., 3u/ibatsupenI pcb., brkfst. mn., att. gar., lge. yd~ '$137.50. 3 ORRINGTON AVE. - Cholce home, near lake. 5 bedrrns., 3 baths. on 2nd fi., serv. rms. anld bath on 3rd i. Long lease, no cane. cl. $200.00 per nionth. ELDER LANE---Close to Greeley school and lak-3 bedrms., den, glazed pcb., oil ht., 2-car gar. $90. ie BILLS REALTY; mnc. 1 ie and 'be References. full nan. nan. I T [chi- -ltp jr