Recratin roni.$27.000. -At $9,000 this willI surely Intereat the buyer wbo bas a flair for remhodeling. Studio living roorm,.3 bedroomi3. An amazing reduction cf $7500 enables us to offer this colonial on almost 2 aceres at $30000. 5 bedtpooma ., 3batbs. Near Hubbard Woods scbool. Not to be over- looked In your searcb for a borne. KENILWORTH' A.bouse in East Kenilwortb for $21,0001 100x200. 5 bedroioms. Insulated. i!Heat- ing cost la $140 per year. Excellent con- dition. I-eated sunpaa'lor. Ligbt basement. VACA.-NT Beautiful AS. it. corner lot, West Kenil- wortb. *Prlced.:under miarket at $3100. R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Center street Winnetka 3250 KENILWORTH 111LTN5-tc; IF> BUILDING COSTS, ARE TOO HIGII 1i119 Elmwood Aveniue, Wilmette, at only 110,500 is your answer. Corn- pactly designed and solidly built, It bas 4ý bdrms., 1 combination bdrn', and slp. pcb., 1 ba., basemt. toilet, liv. rm., library with firepl., din. rm., dining pcb. and kit. Modernlze for say $1,500 and you will bave for $12000- Instead cf $17,500 for a new -house of, like size-a finelyr built bouse in a pluperfect, location. *Wby sot save the difference? Open for Inspection Sun. April 25 After 2 or *Sbown by Appointment. 'CaIl NORTH SHORE REALTY' 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 81 l lLTN5O-ltc A practically pew, modern borne complete in aIl deta.ils. overlooking park and lake. *Brick on tule constr., tule roof. 5.bedrms.41h col.tile IThe Inc. Large living room i wtn nre- place, mcdern kitchen, 2 beau-. tiful large bedrooms on 2nid ficor. Wcoded lot. Near'trahs- portaticn. W.G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 DAVIS STREET, EVrANSTON Uni. 6886 Hol. 6886 Wil. 1660 Southeast Winnetka. LOVELY BRICK COLONIAL WITH 3 bedrnis., 1%' tue baths (space f1or 2nd bath), htd. sleep. pch.; brkfst. rm., or den, screened pcb., play rm., H.W. beat. 111'perféectondition. Large beau. lot. 'Ownèïr building large borne, 1 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENTý HEINSEN REALTY CO0. Exclusive Agents 660 Center St. Winnetka 254 44SMASWOU1" 745 CENTRAL ST. REDUCED FROM $17,000 TO $14.ý000, this iunusual six rm., 2 tile bath brick bouse on deep lot; mnust be sold this--week. Act quickly If you want a bargain. Open every P. M. , starting Thursday. Edward M. Wallace & Co. 1733 Shermian Ave. Greeneaf 1635 111LTNbo5-Itp WITZLEBEN RIEAITY 562 Green Bay Road Kenilworth 5540 111LTN50-1te AWAY FPROM TRAFFIC on a dead-efld street, ln sout4iwest 1lgb- land Park, an attractive home of six rooms, hot. water heat, attached gg- rage, on large wooded lot, Price $6,500. SEE. US FOR ACREAGE LEWýIS T. DODDS, Northfleld Village Rial Winnetka 1111 Greenleaf 2138 l1lLTN5-ltc ARTISTIC BRICK HIOME. L A R G Eý living :room .wfth beamned ceiling,' paneled din.1ng rooni. mcd. kitchen, lav., 3: bdrms., 2 baths, bil b., 2-çar garage. REDUCED> TO $15,500 Frances J.. Winscott 902 Spruce St. WInnetka 1267 111LTN50-1te KENILWORTH'S MOSTI>M OD E RIN 1New Home. 5 bdrms., 3%l btbs.; 2-car att. garage. 1!he fineat of materiai and workmanship. Air ccnditioned, fully lni- gulated. Under ............. $30,000 WITZLEBEN REALTY 562 G~reen fBay Toad KeflUt1th 5540~ 111LTN50-lte EAST WIMETTE 6 ROOM-2 STORY-DUTCII Colonial-Lot 60x175; garage -near sebools_ shops - transp. Beautiful wooded sec- tion - $12,500. Ternis. L. C. Burgener. Gre. 0471. 11.ILTN50-1 p. N Wil Ige. pcb. 1'k acres. Reail büy. Mlgflt fireplace. L relit furnished or not-i or 2 yr. Ise. ing throug GLENCOE terraced l Beautifully hulît Eng. country home. wîtb pr1v.9 Solid br., with slate roof-lO rms, width of t 3%k b.. sun pcb., every roorn sunny 4eated pôrr and charm., on Ige. lot ln beautiful neighborood-prlced way below cost. fast roorn, force owne SEARS REAL ESTATE consider t 421 Richmond Road Kefllwortb .5288 lesa exclue 111LI'N50-ltc for $15,500 bath e, house. .1 Charini baths- ,osekà 795 Elm St. Wlnnetka 715 111LTN5-tc B3EING REMODELED. 209 WOODBINE, WIILMETTE- LOT 75xl50, tail elins. .7 rms., 1%/ baths. 30 ft. liv. rm. $12,500. W'th rm. and bath agdded on 3rd-$13,500. Buy now and select Your own decoration. 'N r --- - I4 . XT' ,- ,1- . ¶-1 ýk Colonial-6 bedIrrps., E~xcusive Agents £KeIIIIworLI1 .J'J 111LTN50-lti) 7 RM., BRICK, OIL HT., GAR., SOUTH- east Winn., gcod loc., less tha n $15,000. Only $1,500 cash down, bal. on eontract. E. S. WISDOM & CO. '526 Center St. Winnetka 387 las. it t $ i 2 -ltt 1 ) 1 - au