The churcil scliool meets in eiasst~ ana, 4.II it ituui lo a. mi. Sunday niornin1gs, and carries an~d Northwestern, and while at, law over irito the first haif of our, worshlp showsascaeeio fteJh seryice, until il1:30. At that tinie young showsascaeéio fteJh cbldrflar supervised by Ms Kauf- Marshall Law quarterly. He bas been manuntl te coseof ervce.associated With the là\v firm of Case, Do n't forget to change your dlock EsoSut.~dLnebr i D8yllghtsavhing Urne begins on' SundaY. Chicago. The ýyouflg Peoi>le',s Society , 1le -GUET 0 INT ýJoues, presideflt, reets at six ko'clocek Robert Merriman, son of Mrs. Mabel Sundayý eýenling. Merrinan, 644 Greeni BayI road, Ke.nil'- C.V lrk iJ. D. Dingle, w. Ci. Mat- Worth, who.has ben tourxng the east- tbes. r. Hl. -D. 'Davissn -and MI-,,; ern states and Canada since Iast May. Marlon Allisoix are named a commTittee witb the Clare Tree Major Thea1trical- to, pro mote a large representation fromn Wlleteatthe retOrchestra Hall companYv, was the guest Of J.ack- Lo ng. nieetiftg of thé Chicèaio Baptlst associa- son of Mr. and Mrs. joseph C. Long, fion on Tuesday evéning, May 11. 'MUSI1C, 80 Brier street, \inntkla, at'Harvard- pageafltry and inspiration 1in a notable comibination, will show the Baptist en- university. Iast wecek While the compafly terl)riSe at work in our, city. .*as in Boston. The boys were class-. The annual meeting, always a festive ae tNwTir {g ~o1 n Occasion in thfis coflgregatI1n, will be Bob Wi11 be remenibered for bis work held on .Wednesdayý, May 19. Prograni in the hligh school plays. conimttee icousists of H. A. Bush, C. B._________ Derfl0hl, Mrs. G. 'N. IaËb Mrs.' H. C. MisFoectPn.O inneapolis, Y>uigberg. drove Up froni Florida this week, and It 15 not. 80 vitally Imporan I suggestions for the restoration of a .sickly business fail-for a man ean build another. but~ he canhiot rebulld a bankrupt, human organlari. Only one man IS quallfled to suz- gest curative measureS for a diÏs- ordered stomach,9 he Io a relputable physician. ~He: cahideternle the * cause of the trouble and therefore treat the condition Iu an Intelligent mariner. This i's the mxtii of a sertes etf-EditorWa Adýerti9emefltà appearifli in ibis ptper oaci Copyritt mrvice do for you waflêfha$ dono for hundreds of otkOrs--lve yVo" ,10 rviiion, f re ed o <nfrom cy Ontio WIL-SON :& Co. makes Senior choir mneets Thursdav a8. The Junior choir on Inicr-ng at 9 :Q TonoroW(Friday>. the WoI ciety Links mneet as folIows: Mrs. c. C. Clarke, leader, niT Mrm C. P. Dubbs. ,Link 1, '-I] Wer-ladrmeets with, Mn ýI er sister, virs. Di. V* Suniset.road, W\innetka, vhere sh, to make ber homne. Tomn Ande ~is to be homne for the week-end ýh De Pauw university, Greenicastie, Sand is to bring a schoolniate wjth ;.Frank S ave' of 401