Accident records ccdmpiled b>' the Illinois division of highways for the frst two nionths of 1937. show an in- cre9se in, fatalities of 'approximatety 27 Percent over 1936. As announced in this paper last week,' the Suburban Safety cotincil, CoMprisiflg a representative f rom eacb of the suburbat communities ini Cook county' having apopulation >of ,5,000 or greater, an& representatives .of. the state andý county police departments, bas. been, organized to aid ini this campaigli. George F. Brown, of GI.en- coe. is president of the counicil. Saler.conmunitieî In furthéri-ancêe of the moiVetlentf the st ate of Illinois, departmeftt of pub- ic' wvrksý and buildings, division of highways, is giving wide circulation to a bookiet entitled; "Creating Safer It sets forth what may beclon .e to cut clown automobile accidents and lio\\ to do it, the plan being along the line of that adopted by the Suburban Safety> counicil. "If this information is put to work, thie power to control traffic is iu your hiancls," it is explained. "You will flot ofily improve conditions in your owii comnlfity, but througholit the State, an-d that job must be done." Emnforeenatf;etie a 5. Adopt a progi:r of eeti"la enforcement. 6. Abollsh the ticket fixing evil through *the use, of triplicata audited tickets or otber sYstenis. 7.. Establish .an Accident Prevefltiof LI Bureau withln the Police Depart ment. 8. Organize and train a PlieAcci- dent investigation Sciuad. 9. Adopt the unlform traffie regula- tions and municipal ordinances rec- ommended by the National Confer- ence on Street and Hlghwa&Y afety. 10., Establish a Traffic Court or arrange to have aý part o! the existing court deal exclusivelYr with traffic viola- Engineerig il. Locate and eliminate potential haz- ards created by obstructions to vis!- * billty and finadequate street min- tenance. 12. Use the uniforrn signs, signais, street markin-gs and traffiec oitrol devices recommended by the Na- *tional Oonfer e'nce on -Street and~ Highway Safety or, îas niodified by the State authorities. 13. Make a study of the ."worqt gro'JD' of accident locations and elinîinate the hazards by proper means. 14. Improve the efficienecY o! traffic flow by routlng through traffic, bv Ii- proviflg street design and by ,pecial restrictions gover~iing dirertion of *vehicular movemnert. The 15.S eety cotilleil n thW Nork the- tiU-s tie its )eutiiuL.1 appoint- & ed and spacious Bavarian Rathskeller wbere guests may enjoy, the.finest of foods-ýboth German --àiid -American .d cuisine-prepared by. a celebrated g. chef-dance to, the strains of the tc Original Bavarian orchetsra that of-t fers the complete range of "steps" from the traditional polka, waltzer, maurka, schottisch, and laendler, to ai the more sophisticated of modern fl swing rhvthms, and enjoy floor en--I tertainment in keeping with the ac-b cepted German tradition.t Appointments in the Bavarian Rathskelle r have been adjudged byt experts.. in interior' decoration' as thoroughly -authentic,. f rom the beau-P tif ul scenic murais that bedeck the e watts to the minutest detail in ar- i Art Koch, distinguishIed pianist-t entertainer, and general director Ofr Bavaria, intersperses the floor at- tractions with- his unusual presenta-1 tion of both classical and mode-rni MUSIC. Angelo Lippich, who enjoys a well1 deserved popularity anxong north side1 ,aria and directs- lisabled veterans and fleédy familien_ f1 the dead and . disabled, WÎII be. iîstributed throughout the city. Or- ganization of corps of "poppy girls"p to offer the flowers to everyone on the streets during the day and to -eceive contributions for the Legion.- Land Auxiliary, welf are funds. The. fowers have been ordered froin Hines M4emorial hospital where they have been made by disabled veterans. ,"poppy Day is, the day of personal, tribute to thé men ýwho ga ve their lives i the. nation's defense," ex- 'lained ýMrs. Nolan. "On that day everyone cati show that they stili re-' member and honor the sacrifices Of those who lost their lives ini the war. ,The. ppy is tlheir flower, made in their memory by their disabled comn- rades. * "The Anierican. Legion .auxiliary will ask no set price for' its poppies. We want everyone to wear a poppy and to contribute, as he is ablç fer the fiower. Ail contributions 'will be used for the work of the Legion and Auxiliary. among the men who , 1t- ,ýlfl nA Prezthinthe war. Books Added to Its Collection The, Wilmette Public library has added the following new books to its collection. Fiction Aldis-Timne at lier -Heels. .1field1 TVisit thbe Soviets.. Terrv-Music of Bach. Davenport-Mozart. Bowen-~"Belo,,,ed Friend.". iLiteratiEre Mvanly-Soille New Light on Chaucer.- H4ousniaii-Moi-e Poeins. Utter-Pamela's Daughters. Smlith-Reperusals and fle-collectiofl5. Emtage-Ski. 1Fever. r, - TchiefnhcaIld-Max1m5s. L4T BOY FOR SOXI