o; Our zNew Location VIC TO0RI A Beuy Salon 338'Xh Linden Avenue 1Why'Pay More? HAVI YOURURRPIS jwtorej la Ou N.wVaimte Cleaning Ail for* Glazing Moth. $?.0 SI*roge lnmsurunce Bernstein Mfq. Furrier 1912 CenfrilSt. Mrs. J ohn r.* vcon.wa', y' n.ga, - in charge of the mïarket, will Me as- s isted by the following women in the booths presided over by- the garden clubS: Plants-ýChairie, Mrs. J. Benton Schaub and Mrs: Wilfred C. Gillies. Heipers: Mrs. William k. Yates, Mrs. Marion L. Miller, Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, Mrs.,Frank Haines and Mrs.' Charles R. Norman.. Luncheon - Chairmen, Mrs. John Hardy Weedon and Mrs. C. 4. Lay- strom. Candy-Chairmefl, Mrs. Herbert J. Naper and Mrs. 'P. E.,Mc£lroy. Help-7 ers: Mrs. Naomfi B., Hamiltoni and Mrs. J. H. Weedon. .Food-Chairmefl, Mrs. Albert E. *Gebert and Mrs. John J. Milis. Help- ers: Mrs. Virgil Westcott. Mrs. James S. Leaton and Mrs. Earl E. The gardeà market is a benei~t .RE .Buchanan their home r. an~d Mrs. )n, and are to thie Lin- Lstofl. The it i t( it Pl P( Staff Photo T/ a01» rnto the Wilmjt'.tte, villagqe hall looked like thbis scvcral alenoslast week when& the j,àuth fui owners a these* bicycles tro(opcd ito t/w hall to rcgistcr their vchicles, under Qth nu village 1 idic. Police Captain Henry Braughtigam e on e a t is shown.-i instructing sonie of the young-Le o s c o sters on the provisions (À tthe neét ofd¶in- B p a e ance, which, among other things, for- Be S ak r t bids them' to ride in the. streets. With, Captain Braughtigami are shown Mary Legion MVeeting Ann MacI.ean, BJarbara Green, Jack 1- Fitzpatrick, Bill Hart, and 'Cloyd ic- Lew~ Fonseca, major league base- Cuire, jr. bail player for more than a dozen years, and former manager of thc Kenilworth Home Is chicago white Sox, will be th(. innetica nire cepartment I under the d Houren's men worked BI iie,12 ýours to extinguish the Bne,12 istarted on the main A crack di -e, authorizeci ny the -ue, much of which was under his supervision, nig. The prog rami s rectionl of William J. Miapie avenue. Il team f'rom the Nich- lighi school, Chiçago, it, will also.l)e prescrit- -tilnL Mr. Beiiner au- ohmons LýPh. G. Juisil'est of Bank, Prompt Auto Deliveries st LII aab_àa