PER' Lee: FPERSIl DUES FINEST QUAL- ITY. - 4 LS. AVERAGE, TEN- DUR ISDLCOS FINWS QUALIT .SE WISCONSIN RIS OF BEEF 25..c ?170 PER these recent decisionw proof tbat there is no argument tblat tbe - Col it abOutely impossible eral, Governuient to ac argument thus weakk Court décisions themnse ponients bave seized u that in three of the f vjlvinig tbe Labor Rela Court divided 5-4. Ti amounts to a "one judg tluey say, is evidence t judges shotild be appoil daim Dictato So uild have been th( that character ýthat ,tl is lef t wîth the people, of Acts of Congress-1 dlared unconstitutioilal TASTY iave a JU ery thinking it is flot the v niakes the de, of five. It is s )rity. and differ ýFINEPR seizeci upuo'mày b ita s as definite President Roosevelt can bave n~o basi' for the assurance as to how his appointees ýurt bas made. will decide unless he makes it clear fo h e-to them before appointment that they, t. Wth teir should. ecide as he wishes. Such a, ened, by the situation. would conipletely destroy fves,' the pro-. the Supreme Court as an independent pon the fa2ct and impartial tribunal to determine four cases i- questions between tbe goverment and tions Act the the citizens. lus, they say, Pr "n Sème Fcti e ruie," This, But wh at are the facts with respect bhat aciditional to 5-4- decision s and Acts of Congress.' utd.declared invalid?' Contrary to the e aserion ofgeneral impression so' often createdl ýe ssrtinsofby Court critics, oinly: 77. Acts of be impression ýCong ressbave been declared uncon- tha t bundreds stitutional. Moreover, ini at least ten have been de- of those cases it was not the statute land that 1. t-self which was held invalid but tbe ngle vote of a appica tio-ni of it. te, effortse 77 de shaven fiy 1 f >w being made O hs ýdcsos nol lo Io believe that them was the division of the Court torhipof one 5-4. And, it might be, added, that in the. decisions ùpholding a congres- ividual knows sional enactmnent on only 20 accasions Sof one judge did thue Court divide 54 ion. It is the With ail these facts before us it ply the rule oi beconues clear that much of the talked es of opinion, about 5-4 decisions and the need for questions, are additional judges is without historic basis. The Administrationus complaint Sy the. PEfl MEU T Puce LB2' divided 8-7. iven van bceeteto LU a public office by one vote, but it mnust as, wi be recognized that hundreds of other Mr. votes, went to make up the majority. law, It is simply the major.-ity rule. .To son, ;. Donald Hamilton, and Dor- Lmilton lef t yesterday (Wed-ý by motor for Mercedes, Tex- -e they will make their home. ridge anud his daughter-in- s. Lloyd Eldridge and ber arles Eldridge, will stay with A. Bower of 1216 Ashland until the end of the school