Maple Leafs trounced the Uknow quin- tet 24 to 13. Botb teanis were over- zealous. in. their guarding, -piling up a total of 29 fouis' for, the game. Tbe aple t.eafs scored, 14 of their point on f ree throws.' This victory gave the Mvaple Leaf s the cbampionship of the league for the second, year in succession. 'The memn- bers of the. cbamhpionship team are: Bih LeayBill Normoyle,Gerge Hahn, Bill Hahiu, and Frank KoIb. ijknow, (18) 2Maple Leafs (24) lRtlttp igIttj. Andrews, F . 211 6 Leary,,F.. ..2 1 5- Scheibel, F ..0 0O0O Normoyle, Fi. 1 .5 7 Terzakes, C -O0O0O0Hahn, c (G). O «2 2 $tahlG ..8 17 Hahn, G ..0 22 Miller, G ... .0 1 1 Kolb, G .....2 4 8 Referee-Huck Parade IS'Planned for Next Tuesday Afternoon A parade will be held next Tues- day, May 4. Ail the children of the Wilmette schools are invited to join in this big parade. Ail those par- ticipating wiii receive a sucker. The parade wili leave the Communityl Center at .4 o' and proceed east on Wiirnette avenue to Lake avenue, May 5and 6 COMMUNITY. CENTER. * I1 wish to enterrmy Hobby in the Hobby Show NAME††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† *(Please print) :ADDRESS ....................... (Please print). *HOBBY............................... *Please ma il to -th' Recreation. office, 914- Central, avenue.. a Playground Board to Hold Annual Dinner The Wiiniette playground board wili hold its annual'banquet at the Shawnee Country club Friday eve- ning, 'May 14, at 6:30, o'clock. Tbis event is being revived after a lapse of severai years due to the depres- IDELEGA TED the results. show a close race for the honors. There was a difference of oniy 42 points between the top man and the lOth place mani. Bill[,eary, who,'also woni the bas- ket sbooting contest and is on the.Maple Leaf' team, whÎch bas Won tbe "C" leéague chàn>ipiiship for ethe second consecutive. year, made the, 165 points this season. The foilowing are the first 10 men with their team and points made: Player Teami Points 1gil Leavy-Maple Leafs ... ..165 Eai'I GraY-Giýrate Dames .161 Frank KoIk-Maple Leafs .15 .56 Bob Norton-Grate Dames... ..1655 Diek Andrews-Uknow .144 John Gleason-Grate Dames,14 Bill >Hahn-Map)1le Leafs. ........... 137 Eric; Sauùel son-G rate: Darnes ..129. Lief 'kikelson-N. T. Ponchos. 124 Bill Normoyle-Maple Leafs 123 30 Children Enjoy Center "Hobo" Party Thirty children enjoyed the bobo party given last week at the com- munity center. The roomn was arranged i "hobo" style. Varions signs decorated the hall such as "No Tramps Allowed," ,Check 'Your Guns Here," "Hats to dt rate au Yveniesl~. E ONEl COME ALL! Many Articles Completed at Knit Club's Meeing The community center evening knitting club seems to have béen extraordinarily industrious on Thurs- pne," "DogBi 'aress tby Village .rresient inne. Awarding of rnedals and trophies won by participants during the winter pro- gram of tbe Wilnette playground and recreation board Mlril be part of the program. Reservations wili be limited and al are urged to make reservations eariy. Tickets may be b-ad at the recrea- tion~ office, 914 Central avenue. Rac, 1Prizes were given for some of tbe gaies. Refreshtnents wvere served. Intramural Playground Bail Tournament Next Intramiurai playground. bail entry sheets were -being received -this week iii DeForrest - Showley's office. About. ison of 15 iii- festivities this week-end. ý 1 vited to wk.