-o- Louise Hankins, formerly of Llencoe. Miss Sara Jean Cosner, a student Mr. and Mrs. G- R. Benson returned at Monticello, college, c ameý home home, last.week from a ter-day stay la st week-end' to Visit'.ber grand-, at Hot Sýprings, Ark. The Benson, parentsMr. and- Mrs. R. W. Murison' famîly spent the winter in Chicago. of 339 Kenfilworth avenue', Kenîl- and opened their home here the first worth. Ipart of April. CROONIER .SWEÂRS FISIfliAMSýW1NGS r MI4 fres oui boatl OuIy 230 1lb. Lehle PhOo Claudia Éckeri and Kaltherine Rawls, chamzPion swimjmers bath, shoum ilestling ili the, SI,« 7il'ne pool after therecent niationtal'swiimmiiing, charpions.hips in Chica go. FOTH NTE1 The following clinics will be held at the Health Center next week. Tue sday, 9 to 12 a. m.-Avoca school dental clinic; Dr. Christie, with Mrs. I. Bliss, R. N. nurse in charge. .Wedne'idav. 9 tn 12 a.- m.-New iss R. Hansen, R. N. nurse inii also urg - this don iy 9 to 12 a. m.-Howard- dental ciinic;, Dr. Bass, with M Stopka, R. N. nurse in charge. Rogrs Imn=unizationClinics Grand immunization clinic for the pre-school nesday, May 5, at the Wilmette Health tenter, from 1 to 3 p. mi. On Monday, May 3, from 1 to 3 p.m, Dr. Seifert wiIi give the Schick test to children froni 2 to 5 years. who have had the diptheria toxoid. On Wednesday, May 5, from 1 to 3 P. nm., Dr. Seifert, assisted bv Dr. Shaw, Pediatririan of the Wilnijrtte --C f. * * *Lil ria8iA1 %..Vier ges ail parents who can to have re by their private physician. and Mrs. Dan Burrili of Park spent last week-end in Rapids. Mr. Burrill is the Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Burrill of 2nd Ploc»,