*direc tion by the JBNNY WRE1N CORPORATION May 1, 1937. AFTERNOON TEAS LUNCHEONS.....45e to 85c DINNlERS ........ 75c t$1.5 BRIDGE PARTIES A SPECGIALTY, ChariniSurroundints GIWBN BAY RoIA 0w<Wet - Old, Warld Nos pit Wli-%-NFTKA, lILU co.à Abdau. -7tve o mmttee of that body. miter -* Arnong the bils receiving, this. dras r nigh't alil House bis on the subject tic*tre t.n were ýth eranntof. the motor drivers licenses were registratiQfl bis for ýthe country setfor.7a hearing coi usa on 01%111s of Cook couty - wkhich .werU*ing..before -the' House as a comimit- o seodreading ii the Senate jtee ôf'.the whole.. Thée vote, on -the. Huebill number- 153.(emiergeflcy mattter, of 'bringing the bils out.-of aidfo hih chols, bul mtdingcômmnittee was a victory for the pro-- the Sanitary Sewerage iaw, greatly ponients of d-rivers licenses. désired bi7 Keniiworth;bêfore federal Heawng On n ea o Cl 1B fund cao be sçecure.d fo"r- the con-7 After * committeî heéring on the fality '-struction of a stormi sewerage pro- insuerance code whieh bas passed-the' gramo. The 'bills extending the 3ý Senate, ail committee members we.rt NtOIS- percent sales tax urail. February 15. ordered tô subinit any amendments _____1939 were also caught- in- the . sena- which they contemnpiated introducinig ______tornal reprisai. before next TuesdaY (April 27) ini * Fight. Bill Startà Trouble orderthat the amîendments mnight.be The trouble is supposed. to have1 printed anid studied before, the mexi, been. cauised by thé action of 'the c6nmittée session. - Ail of the Repre-. Hou"le on a bill'of the minorîty iead- sentatives :from- the se,.enth district., er of the Senate. Earl B.- Sea*rcv of Foster. M.\cGrath. and Van der \Trieý Springfield. Thi bill would have coin- .are memnbers of the insurance corn- pelled persons i.nured and %hô ofiled mitic . suit for damages to submit to an Proponentsof the \Vomen's lurv examnaton y physicians appointedSbis made another effort to ;,strike hv a court. !off the amendménts Nvhich would flowever, the trouble between the exempt mothers and wornen under SHouze and the Senate bas been brew- 125 years of age fromn jury service but * ing since the 1-buse a iew weeks ago wvere unsuc.cess-f ui. This probablv killed the' prize fight bill sent to the means that the bils -wiil be abandon- flouse irom the Senate and wvhich ed ini the flouse for this session, Pop- *limnited the price of seats to a maxi-i sibiy an effort wil he made to have mum of ten. dollars., Soi-e, menmbers bill, passed in the Senate, thus gî*v- ;-- 4- 1 r-21trube ats ack!ing' time for fuither Nwork ini the consider its action'but the ueiav Christian Science Church "Probation After Dea'th" ta îblect of the Lesson-Sermon in 'hurches of Christ,. Scientist. thec a 1Il 01. Wilmette Students Win Honors at Northwestern jTwo students fromn Wilmette are among the 22 students elected to Imembership in Phi Eta Sigma, nia- 1 tional honorary fraternity for fresh- man tuen at Northwestern university. s tate ýonio they visited friends. AN.w et"-'.'