SELLINOG E VENT.lý Coâts .. uis Ens.:enbles Day and Evening Sportswear AUL SALES FINAL _____________FUVE SIX FiVE k4NCOLN A EýJ-. W NN ET KA -. - 4- --i-. . - 'Mat 7'-r'T 'le~ V 7.; .ods vTiea, Wh, o,-. r :- - e 1 rs cho Sen t !ath t S Ot n'. ---s-c i ýchevedc a n - ol ii tr tm er o T NT I:r I-, - vnea ctxvte. ac, Bwhile K - -pmmi r thuinr. N. et r:or- -~. ~ . ~ : and 1:ae peTns tr Ëoo. ~ Give. Hktves. membe i. 130-va -'i.. - #L* Kay Xente.r, and ITàre\Viet '4 tebb.iins, ls alsfobicp - -~~~, ic heln eVttr. hs er7* S~rse eed yn: Rbr M iltone anaSrd Cook. Ar Sihnury 'ar * ~~ V ~o.~.. WÏlliam .Wright. arM . ______.Franct; Bgdger. Cohnie Clough. Bet- t\. Dodds. Cassie Empfield. Imôgeti, "Pe.rsénality Test" Kauirnan. Jane Krause. Carol Ietts, Amr Be Given Pupils Olds Hele<ji Pres- tFro Bc ityn Pupi,îm'li.rPaa thEo Roeik.onddRut ~ nnaiv t~ s i'11be îIinr elected incl -ùde: Fredeici. J lCtet w1j. place tulU'-In Ul 5.. '.'cs'. . ox ou caewtie: hose who are, *~~~~~ iginiarsiadloinsholar- ~-Because ,,he lhadbeen le- thailhr 'h. h-d -,hr.' ard owin bath.semesters in attendance Marv Mc tho; w.o r'. lo iî th fom i Minear wvas not made a nwember 01 and 13l(~iat~r ad to~ewhot-he hocnor society. it vvas explained, ar" ng t~e oret ndIo inthI{although h1 ler grades xarranted ,sucli 1 nt treis aso întenoed.She. Nvas. lho\\eN-r. glVeil T-n tCt, jiý a-ý)wilSpecial Mention. brÏi,;z out individual traits and abili- fThose ,\-Io qualified for tlwheon0or 1 c-- ncluding social initiative, self society wvere: dec-~mination, economc self déter- James Andersoti,- William B,ý1ing, I ivi i lin Bnner' Tester onl..The- ske and Eleanor Colemnan, dance; Aniita Barnes, original short storY;. and Gladys Brandt, a reading., s' j HU j