îion1, As announçed1 by reiet . sub5tantial in crease in the coinpanY's approptiat ion for, techn-ca*Ifde'ieIop- ment.- He will asstume bis r.ew dutnes iMay I. Howard, with more ;ban a mu lion miiles of.air line flyiÎng experl: ence. will be plot and flight . engineer of Unire&s flying aoao,"a twin-engined Boeing 247-D in which pas senger Ilounge -chairs hvebeen replactiýwitb labroratory desks and testinz_ equipmen.t. It, is the Ynl.v t'win-en îgnestairliner usetiexcliusivelY fr r-earch andi experinientai Pur- RESUME ACTIVITY jnue andi Sherîner anxd\~l~ra warrn war, at~u ticallv ai: winter. *A n e viairshîp àrye for drosrto up~. selling of- craft i,~ a lar--,e part o h fieldUs bsn~.E'upe îhi .wvradi'at uha ~Ç--r frçUblic i-eto 1- vùJp tn i 1> ' -1 t. h a:o!n ing on the suburbari standings. The Q«ton ox win at Lake Forest erased a 13 to 12 C. D. Wilmette. Cross coun trv fIY- beati ng the Grey and Green absorbed. ing is a snbject about whicb n ot only fo italtesmesudl- book but manv bçosco! be and fin iralytesieqadat atwritten; however the advantageS i a é F om s n ,t rf d h t e are Jake Ïhompson started on tho- of~~~~~~~~~ fligbnlretaviehd ounti for New Trier, but Lake'Forest piloting is s simple under conditionls had so much diffiiculty- retiring th.- of good' visblt htraYPlU ie atclryi he fifth. whenl practice ;no other form of inaVigation. h rvascakdu i ie Plltin a lan b reerece o.that Thompson's ari was cold. Onlv *iible landmarks.is fundamental and mustbe cmbieti irhany on Ffour hits had been -made -off hini. but navgaton hatma beuse; bw-rather than take a chance on an in- éCVer. When a pilot is limited' to flying u~adtortc.afverneai by lanrdmarkcs aloneý he loses the> sav CahCld GatPlt i-o ing ini distance . of the direct -air route. BunfnshteJb The abilirv. to navigate by more ad- o:aC« van ced methods is certain 'to re;ult 1F4 held theý foe lwell1 in check. 1.ot. n greater operating efficiency and a, hit getting out. of the infield. al- w~lgive' conSiderahiemetlats though a runl.was.allo-.ved to score -on ~ac*:on), to the pilot as well. eýrrors in the, fiith frame. LfMikkelsen connectedsfl on1ce in thte tines at the plate. This Dr, Q. HJBersch Openls leaves him a three-game average o New Optometrie Office -\n nnoucemnt o antherpag kelsen is Art Cruttenden. who has a .thiS çpaper that Dr. 0. H. Bersch 1m;ark of .454. wil pen an exclus.ive optoimetric of- J Another plaver who has perforrned fce at'r 99Merilistret.Hubar of late is Kenl Herman. Ken hati XV v i-. zlI e reciets i th s a ti w eîl its in four tr.ips to the platter. iaciohbv e5ient oftha Sctio Brubn also -manufactureti a pair of r innetka. where the need for such 1hing1eý, The latter had four chance-ý. ;erv; ce ha,'- lng been recognized. The - rpening i.- cherlulc(I. for Saturday,. ~ ~ Soe wc 'May 1. 1 oi h New Trier's runs wer- cored . l,e.rke "Ace" Glover. eveiù »Ih W is fo bey Univ iy 2268 has been practicing for the past six- teen vears. NMany of bis' patients are scattereti throughout the north shore) towns. It bar heen ten vear;. since Dr.. Ber.scb discojntinued bis, Wilmette of- fice. the move being due to failing health. For the prese'nt be plans to have dailv inorninz office hours at se avi S toý 1b at Cmel achec, in s to n -, -,:Me l erth,1, ws h(os- Of ber bridge ýsday. : \\edniesdav, the team w Nas to ini- vade Evanston in an attempt to trim the Wildkits' bitherto-deadly claNs. Proviso cornes to New Trier on Frn- day for one of the season's crucial- tilts. Both Morton and Proviso share the league lead with the Trevians. The freshman-sophomore gamce wa s moved up so tbat the season starts Thursday against Evanston at e r. Flint was witn r lifornia for a-month. 1:» 3 Wb.mep#ty fMe girl (sac of do*" swi»?