just phone us for ail your moving day needs. (16 oz. size) *with double size flannel JOHNSO'S, FURNUTURE POLI-SN polisinitg ciotii. Both for.......59 OLD ENGLISH NO RUBIUNG L1UID WAX WITH APPLIER.'Y. gali sire with iamb's wol appliier ..................5... UPHOLSTIRY CLEANER WOOL SPONGE Y, gal. site ......198CL OLD INGLUSH RUS CLEANERO Pint size with brush ..............94 0W NGIS PASTEWAX. Protects your floors..... ..........7i GARDEN:CITY CLEANIER Qua rt 309c'/2 Galion SOC Gallon 80C SELF-WRINGING F1.001 MOP Betty Bright or Squeeze lEasy sec No. 16 O'CEDAR TRIANGLE OUST MOP Discontinued model .....59c ALL PIJIPOSE OUST MOP $1.25 value . ........................... 89C 6.51 WED 110CM S. Union made. Regular 79c value ................. 5 Regular 89c value ...,469c CLOTIIES DRYI. Folding style. Regular 59c .......................... 39C CUItTAIN STRETCIIER 5x8 sue with center brace and easel ...... . . Sjujq STEP LADDER STOOL Conibination step ladder anid pantry stool. Reg. $1.29, $1 RUSSISH BURNER. Strong wire construction. Each ................... 69C joli