Rajggd buit:hflPP. Soitk Am4;ierieani chi/dren like these ivere meen in nany parts of Ecitador, Peru and Chile by Mr.' and Vr$, B. W. Cooke of Glencoe îiéha recc t/y' returned, front a lotlir of tht' Continent. The great majoriti, of Uic PopulIation i: Indian. Th-rc (ire a -feu' SPa» lards. anud occasionolly one secs a ight skipiaed whie mian. This photofqraph ansd dozepis of other inter- est it sla pshots zVere takenpi by Mr. Cooke. Travel to Bermuda Sets New Record Establishing a new higli in travel fgures- for the fis qure f this year. Bermuda tourist traffic brokée three records with 18,736 more visi- tors this year than last, 24 more pas- senger ships making Bermuda their port of cali during the flrst three months of the year, and the month of March showing 5,930 more visi- tors as compared to March of 1936. These figures were released hy The Bermuda Trade Development board through the execuitive secretary, Jo- the Island .an aggregatiofl of 27,45 as against 18,736 in 1936. These figures prove. that Bermuda lias become the "big business"~ of Island vacation grounds and one of the most popular ail year rou -nd pleas- tire resorts in the world. During Mardi of 1937 there were 14,637 visitors, showing anl increase of 5,930 over last year's figures. e e e in.. iresh SPORry l U OECouRe5t ADJOIW5- COLLEQG.ý ARMI U1OTEL