eotten, for Mrs. A. F. Klinetop, who represeà~ts the Woman"'s Department of the Chicago' Church' Federation at Oak Forest. is again_ planning for ber annual* .Mother's Day party at that institution. Issu«s Au AppeaI With an able committee. consisting of both men and womeni, to, assist her, Mrs. Klinetop wil visit Oa k For- est >on Mother's Day hringing' a smile to many a face and cheer to many a Ioeiy h eart as she and her commit- tee visit the infirmary, and dispense icheer in the formf of tasty sandwiches, c ake ànd:,ice cream- to theseý lonely foik, many of them ýbed-ridden. It is impressive to watch' the group that gather, for the food. Many are wheei-chair patients, the blind, the deaf, the crippled and. paralytic are aifl talcen care~ of on eohrsby The preparation 'for and execution of such a "party" as this are of such magnitude that one person atone could neyer accomplish if it were not for the, cooperation given by peo- pie ail over the Chicago region who are glad and eager to share ini mak- ing this annual event one to be long remembered in the lives of thesé Ionely people at Oak Forest. TH r & ofovnoneul=ttyTue " EN You cuOOm IUGHEWI. Hughes téië i*'u C*it t irt yTur usai mseçm's fue .11 eq*ieum*s onsiderthos.. btumts .MnfuSy t58 pmt lt he lb uUpde o.1thousauds. whosouooes ha. Lboom Ludil - -kena» 0 volues .- and 'Cb.es. Hughbes". i INIFOB8< PEODUCS-quatanteêd Iiesami mimat C TIr. VMtu - - fat* gmres rorm of money andi service to Pro- mote this annual party., Aside from the cost and work of prepariniz al of this, the donation of cars to trans- port the committee and the iiteraliy *bushels and sandwiches and cakes, is one of the important items in the success of this undertaking. Contributions of -money, _ butter, I~W5~E ElTerorlse 2121 tage of deasUug with a «pùüy csumItted to m- piste acceptance 01 every obgaLloupeçt.nd witb d'O ethipsLi Oeupt of busis.sud whoe ameies aud reOBurces Cors devotsd euxcusively tb th* distribu- tion of fue olL