(I.r . f . . J îS, 1*1eIc. a.ss>c.aulJII *is Coiisiaiice (Connie) Clough, .a very fine, dancer and all-around athiete. JanieOlds is vice-president of this body', which organizes and runs aiàl girl's sports. Serving as treasurer is 1RuthSprenger,, while Jane, Records is 'secretary. Eachi year one person is, seleeded to act- as student, intramural chair- anThis office, is held at present *by FMora Jean White. Under. Flora are, the heads of, various athletics. choseit fromn among the girls. A. mnan 1ager for each of the four'.classes *is charged with assisting these heads., Naines of these girls wiIl beë published at a later date., Archery, basebaîl, lacrosse, golf, iorse-riding, life-saving, and field *tipckey,_are amoing the activities of- fered ini the sprîng schedule. MNrs. Ella A bbott, Who is ini charge oi corrective posture work ini the irls' departmnents, is also handling *archery. A chance to compete in national meet was given this week when a communication from Cali- fornia indicated that United States comipetition would be conducted. Scores would be reported . by mnail, perinitting teamis to participate at tlieir own schooks Four girls consti- IUTA v'AG> oU A JUS TEOrff£,>__ tion iiS. given on Saturday mornlig, f otlowiiig which at least fnine more lioles are played. Techniy Fields is the scene of the golfers' practice. H4orseback riding is done for the inost part frorn the Crestwood (for- mnerly 0-Ki-Hi) stables, with Mr. *Taylor in charge of instruction.. Girls' classed as "advanced" and "superior" * may be taught jumnping this year- tans.