junior Leagues of America to be held at the Chi- cago Historical society for three weeks com-' mencing Friday,ý May 7. The private oepenig'of the ýshoWt will be that afternoon. There will be on exhibition the prize winning entries in sculpture, oils, water color, textiles, metal work, wood work, and book binding froin shows conducted by the 145 leagues in the associa- tion. Entries coine from ail parts of the United States, from Canada and Honolulu. The collection wil côntinue on display during the annual conference of the Association of Jun- ior Leagues of America which convenes May 17 at the Drakehotel'in Chicago., Because hundrede, of delegates will, be bere t view the show at- that timne, the, Junior League of Chicago, the Junior League. of. Evanston and their guests. will attend the advance obeninig, on May 7, to avoid conges.- tion. Theloal p #izewimtu4mg e4eso be se.eni i the exhibition are as follows ; An oil painting by Miss Elizabeth Wing, an oul painting by Mrs. Edwin Tourtelot, Jr., a water color by. Miss Thyrza Shumway, book binding by Miss Billie White, apewter bowl by Mrs. Webb Stevens, a ceramic salad plate by Miss Betty Hall, and a sculptured head by Miss Suzanne Lord. Assisting Mrs. Turner on the exhibition coin- mittee are Mrs. John McPherrin and Mrs. Tour' telot of Evanston. The Junior Clubs of the Illinois Federation of Music Clubs will give a musical program in Kim- bail Hall at 4:30 o'clock Friday May 7, in observ- ance of Music Week to be held throughout the country from May 2 to May 8. The concert. is open to the public. On the program will be the two winners of the cent cor can muw 15pit >f Aneni- thle cu. The contest, an annual event, is conducted by the society to stimnulate the interest ofpiano stu-7 dents of Cook County during the- nost, important years of their piano study. It embraces three sec-. tions. The first, or primary section, includesp- psupto the age of Il ; the second, or junirsc tion,' in cludes those from Il to 14 years old, and the third, or senior section, is made up of pupils 14 to 17 years of, age. Miss' Hartwell was once of, two winners in the senior section. The north shore was, further represented in ýthe contest. Both. winners'in thé senior section and both winners ini the junior section were pupils of Howard Wells, who -resides at 1208 Forest avenue, ýWilmette. A great deal of credit for the success of the akmual concert of the boys' choir of Christ church is tiüët ndû voâu Wsfttewôtêp mhr, conductor, also an organist ai.? a composer. Tle affair this year wuilI bec)seld ii. the Parish House on Pridoy evening, May 14, at 8 o'clock and wili be followed by dânicing and entertainment. Sinigs çn Helen Hec of Glencoe) second annt Chicago Critucs Praise N. T. Girlis' Glce Club Miss Lillian Powers of the Chicago Musical. college nmanaged the concert contest. President of the organizâtion is the p init, Rul6{,bRetiter, of the American con servatory. Festival ges, soprano (Mrs. Herbert Stoetzel took part Sunday afternoon in the ia festival service of the Evansto-i Exhibit Chairnian man of the national conference.