Saturdey, May i The North Shore Chi Omiega associeion is sponsoring a Cli. Omega carnival at the Orring- ton hotel ýSaturday, May l, at 8:30 o'clock. Bridge, keno, ping,, pong, prizes, entertainment,, and dancing will:be the evening's di-, versions. C if pegren's ten-piece orchestra wili *play for the dancing, at an event wbich is bt benefit charity. Funids fromù the carnival. will be divided beë- tween Northwestern University settie-. men t, 'Évanston Commiunity, Chest, the Chi Omeéga loan fund at North- western, and medical ýwork at Berca coilege in Kentucky. Mrs. Fred Norm an of Evanston i s V resident of the association. Miss Eleanor Falk, of the saïhe cdtY, is vice-president, and chairman of this benefit. Mrs. Emil Mesak of Chii- cago is ticket chairman. Miss Cathier- mne Hoy of Chicago, is ini charge oi the award. Assisting on the ticket comnmittee are Mrs. John MeConnell, Miss Mar- vae Weltonn Miss Lucia Perriçio. Charles H. True, Jr. Miss Jane Babcock, dauiglter o>f Mrs. Williami F. Babcock. of ]'Evan ston, lias -chosen' Saturday afternoon, May -15,ofor her wd ding. She will become the bride ,of Charles H. True, 'jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. True of Ciao at 4:30; o'clocki the Winnetka Congregatioinal churcli, with Dr.1 Samuel D). Hiarkness, officiating. The Wved- ding reception will1 be held -in Winnetka at the homne of. her cousins,, Mr. anid.Mrs.:Rayffnoi d K{och. The bride will be .giv en in i marriage by ber brother, Charles W. 'Babcock of Beverly His. Her sister, 'Mrs. *Auguste C Bebize, jr., ofi Evans- ton wilI be ber matron of honor. Her bridesmaids are to be her sister-in- Iaw, Mrs. Charles W. Babcock, 'Mr. True's sister, Mrs. Herbert C. \7ir- gin, Jr., of- Madison, Wis., Mrs. Jolin Kirkpatrick of Tulsa, Okia., and Mfiss Margaret Maw of New York. Serving as best man wviI1 be James MNcAllistei Bennan of Oak Park. The ushers are to bc Dr. Herbert Virgin, Ir. Auzusnte C. Bahize. Jr., the bride's Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. Dean Col- lar, and Mrs. Harold Butzloff, of Chi- cago; Mrs. Elmer D. B3ecker and Mrs. Frank Davenport, of Wilmette ; Mrs. J. Edward Brown, of Winnetka. Miss Kathryn Reubens of Evans- ton, an active member in the sorori- ty, is in charge of a group of girls selling carnations the nighit of the Carlos Photo At a tca last Satitrdoi. alterpnoon at their homec, 835 EIlînw-ood uîvenric, Wiliiette, Mr. and Mfrs. Hýepbert B. Muiford annowniccd the engagement ofý thecir datughter, Eli-labeth Ow(eiu, to Charles Eugene Waldron, Jr., son of Mrý. and Mrs. Charles.E. Waldr-on of Kansas City, Mo.. parties. iLast Saturday Mvrs. riamtrjow Browne and Mrs. F. A. Anderson gave a luncheon at the latter's homne in Winnetka for Miss Babcock, and this Sunday Miss Inez Webster,of Wilmette is giving a cocktail party. for -Miss Babcock and ber. fiancé. to Baltimore dancing, 0K regency 'îi D. A.R. ý Deai Uipteri. Peiri