Shawnee Country club will be the scene of. a gala party to be given by menibers of the Mary' Crane league Wednesday after- noon, i May 5,' af 1 o'clock. The affair is a dessert tea and bridge followed by a fashion show. Proceeds will go towards the support of the Mary C r a n e nursery. at Hull House, and. will afford each ehild of the school a twvo weeks' vacation at. the Bowen Country club in W,\aike- gali, this sulumer. Mrs. Vandervoort Gathany is gen- eral chairman of the benefit, and Mrs. Harold. Cunliff, the co-chairman, is Assisting. Mrs. Cunliff is Mrs. John d playing ,ranoeed for s the Ken- terary Com- Rockford Alumnae The third annual antiques ex- hibit and sale sponsored by the Chicago Rockford College club) will be held at theWoman's Club of Evanston May 11715. The ex-. hibit will be open from the morning.until 10 at nighit.- It is a benefit forthe Rock ford college building fund. . This year's dis *play wiil be of par- ticular interest to residents of. the inorth shore iii that it is *to he- a c o in p 1 e t e 1. y "mnid-wesýterli shiow%." Twenity-five dealers from Indiatia,,,Il- lillois, Michigan, Wisconsin,. and Ohio wiil exhibit their choicest an- tiques. Pennsylvania is.the oiilv state outside theý Mid-Westeri S'tates -to be included, one deailer f romn that ., teflvne been chosen be,)cause of balaticed exhibit bas ber ci wi th the idea of avoiding tion. Each dealer wiII show a Sand different thing-variety- t to ail. James Marshall Ilobbs, a iown Glencoe dealer, is iii of the dealers. NIrs. John n and Mrs. Frank Stowll of oe are co-chairmen of gencral. ements. and Mrs. Robert. berger, Mrs. G. D. Theisen, and Mrs. Conger Reynolds report they have purchased beautiful przes for each table. 1There wilI be for sale a display of' handmade pottery, and fine. linen woven on the loms at Hull House. Mrs. Theisen and' Mrs. Verne Ben- t nett will be in charge of the sale of road, Wi; pianist, Iw followiing lege, of v qe.ests of 1The -hostess's daug liter, Mrs. i'ran e w znton&, hamp, a musital Pro gram ,fi-one 2430 îmtil 3. Tea will be served sica.Ie. Memibers of Alpha Psi chapter at Lake Forest col- apter Mrs. Chamip is. an alumna, have been invitcd fo (bc 1h Shore Alunmae group for the alternoon. N . Seers o f lm r ette, as istan i cku~ - et chairmnan; Miss :Evelyn Wienccke of Glencoe is treasurer of the show; Mrs. John W. Ruettinger of Glen- coe isassisting in distributing posters 4nxd leaflets about the exhibition. pring ,after sern Sas regent SinCe the beri we' was. s. K¶en W feside in1 is treasurer ml. ...