Atme, and they are especially urging the reservations for the Tuesday af- ternloon. concerts for those wishing to attend only twice per mfonth with better seats available. Thlere ivilI be the usual Cirn's concrts-but ther.e are ,no, seats un- :0il for those.: Mrs. Ostromi entiertained her com- înittee for luncheon on Monday, at which plans were'developed for the campaign. The committee mnernbers are Mrs. Charles Ostroni. Mrs. Wal- ter K. Knupfèer, Mrs. 'Richard Hough- toni. Mrs-.- R. E. Kline, Mrs., Ira Rey- tiolds, Mrs. LaWrence Schaeffer, Mrs.. P. W.Stade, .Mrs. .Harold ,Sherman, Mr.Louis Suekoif, "Miss Jatte 1Moist, aiid Mfiss Dorothy. Ray.. Take Automobile Trip Mir. and Nfrse Louis Brock and their daughter, Virginia, 601 Ridge road, Keiilworth, returned April 12 f romn a niotor trip south. They spent the first part of their trip of about four %veeks' duration at White Sul- phutr Springs, WV. Va., then, with the idca of selecting a school ini the south for Miss Virginia. thev visited Chat- Carlos Photo 4A Chicagoa, ,mis£ Juliana Holmes, wa-s elected, president of Kappa, Kappa Gammna. alumn-ae at: a *?iieeting -feld Wedktesday oqf last week at the home. of Mrsr. TiromasI 'B. igeo »Gec EngageentrýAinôuncd at Dinner in Glencoe NIr. and Mrs. Everett William Miles of Glencoe entertailied at dîn- ner Saturday evening at their home, 964 Sheridan road, inaking formai announcerment of the engagemnent of their daughter, Mary Jane, to Brice H-enry Sheets, son of Mr. and Mrs. KIT'IMPORTANT , Our stock is new andcompete.. Our styles êexclusive... Aýlso very ;impotan. Our pices begin at,. 16.75 CLOTH&I FOak TOWN AND COUNTRV 527 Davis Street Evansfon OPEN TUESDAYj nt was bi plaved. Circle, Meeting The Children's circle of St. John's Lutherait church will hold its monthly Meeting Wednesday, May 5, with Mrs. \%. G. Weimner, 2020 Grant street, Ev- anston. at 1:30 o'clock. J une. Their wed next fali. xg is plinned iM r. and Mrs. George of 1000 Chestnut avenue the bouse at 220 Woodsi iii Kenilworth, and expe( F. Mitchell have 1taken SPouosored by the Chicago Rock tord Colqe Club Northi Shore Motel >AY EVENINGS Antiques Il