J i V& ilhM~lN ~Fulton st-reét, Chicago is the bidi ULN~V' Benjamin H. Marshall, 1515 Sher- wkoledo sed 0tect of the Brashears residence, Of W. HmaCstcc" Monroe ambrick veneer anid framne constrUction, comprisiflg 12 rooms and built-in two- car garage. The Warren B. Ewer company, Chicago, are builders. FIRST MoRTGAGE LOANS Two New Residences' Own,.occpidReaknceProprtyin Wilmette Permits On Moderni. OnrorpidRtdnePoo Building Commissioner Williami A. 'Very Favorable Ternis and Dtereat Rates Wo, ldfinkpmeiets se b h- office during the paàt week: -N a~A AIoePM~April. 22-R. 1H. Melsome, 2237 * 0, COMMDflISSIONU' Greenwood avenue, single family ________________________________residence. Architect, E. A. Benkert. Builder. O. E. Strobel. $8,500. i'rpnleaf avenuhe, residence altera- JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Through K. WV. Parkinson, Loan Agent 9LIrÀA »S S. Lasalle St., CbIsogo ioans in m ays DIfU .3LI l3uenger, "mnay be obtained f rom com- paring, this. figure with, t he total amutof EHA lbans *recorded in Cook countyduring the first 90 days of the, current year. This latter figure, which takes into acocunt ail of thic boans recorded here for ail qualified mortgageeS, totals $3,068,450. Thus our purchases over the last 30 days are equivalent to more than 13% of al the FIlA recordings, in Cook countv for the first 90 days of 1937. Surpase Mortgage Loans, "The most significalit thing that we observed in transactiflg this large. volume of FHA business, was that .fo& the first time our volume .of construc- tion loans stepped out ahead-of the, amount of mortgages1 made for re- Ifinancing purposes. We bought 31.. rage. Build- by ew couitr >mPlated f cost of Mr be kept kf. 5638 FLOORI NO ,k, and two- n jivf'r $21,000, one ln EIm- one in Hinsdale for iiwest, we had one boan ln Beverly Markham totaling I l, We Carry- »Illji