Last ,yv .i ri vousiro nu ,rses made 10,060 of these helpful honte visits. Protect Mothers A similar-ý service by obstetricians in the station aitd] by nurses .and nutrifioists i the hoes protects hehealth, ýof mothers durn » rg nanicy . and enables them, to , Iring niorc live babies into the world with safety to the, mother and better health for the, child, Wjimette's part ini the Infant \Vci- jare task is iiot confined to the C'on- tributioni of the Connnunitv 'Cliest, Hours of voluiiteer wýortk in the sta- tion bY memnbers, of .the, center release nurses for. service which -theV oîîlv cani' render'; more hours. of needie work produce garments for poorly clad babies. Last year the cen 1 er *w0rnwl wor4ke4, 78~ ' 5,hos wtvigliiii babies andi helping wIth clerical work; sewing doive at the inonthly meetings produced 1,433 baby gar- mient s. Sewing is unider the chiairmanship of Mrs. J. P. I-oesli. Mrs.; C. 0. '«alliser bias the responisibility' of -ntarshaling volunteers for stationi wone Keilwortli Ative On fthe niewest and xuost a.'ctive New Trier Ligh school. athietes experience -a.tough. week, having been. defeated in a swimming contest by Sinai Social Center. and at base- bail by Oak Park.. Four men were injured this *.week when the wagon i n which they were riding was struck by a Ford car.. Judge arusA.. Kavanagh of Chicago, spoke at a.patriotic meeting lheld by the Sunidav Evening club. The Ladies'. Aid, society of the Mlethodist church is '.g)ivinig a cafe- teria dinner. The, Xavierian Philanthropy club is preparing for a May party. -Kenilworth Village election tesuît- cd in n the, c hoice of W, \W. Wheelock for president ; Owen T. Reeves, Jr., Sanford S. . Holden and Edwin H. Stevens for trustees; Frank C. Maso'n for Village e4erk. - od -r trustees are Karl B. Korrady, J. Kelso. FarleN Jr. and Frank R. Young. The Young Ladies' Auxiliary of the 'W7ilmette XVonan's club gave a charity vaudeville show that was highly succe§ssfuI, both iu perform- ance and audience. 'TV~ V. A t".. Bank of Chicago. Low interest rates and, attractive plans .are. offered. on well4located-pery Real Estate Loan Deparm n Tduephoe* FRAnkIu 6M0 rFM FLOOE, flEMOE, MOIRJAM RCA« SfffWWU garments for the babies. Mrs. E- niund W. Burke of '«ilmette is Presi- dent of Kenilwortli center this year. Social events will be lieaded up by* Mrs. Arthur C. King of Evanston. The members of Xilnette andj Kenilworth Infant Welfare centers expend tinie and effort throughout the year to hielp give Chicago babies their chance for healthful living. It is their hope that Week-.onc are ôpposiîIgý the proposed project. Milan Lusk, famed Wilmette vio- linist, lias been knighited by King Ferdinand of Roumania, in recogni- tion of his playing at two command perforniances before Queen Marie. The Wilînette Baptist churchi is- arranging a series of meetings, of special interest to . men, in. an effort to discover their. viewpoint on chiurch 0 les. a mod aire's cxclusi' cuwrent anu les .tingy wii test weather even in the hot- adi safe, freshb YOU'L . SeeaactuaI ALL5 m