MÂ,IDÏ, WHITE, 26-35, GENERAL .houzework, good cook, fond of chul- dren, dependabie. Glencoe 1733.ý 71LTNS1-ltc WHITE, RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED' woman te asst with generai bouse- work, moon through dinner. $10 a week. Wflmette 2803. 71LTN51-1te, GIRL, WHITE, FOR GEN EIR L housewerk. Smali bouse, 1 baby. Reterences. Phone Keniiworth 5g64. 7 1LTN5 1-1tt) CAPABLE, REFINEI WHITE GIRL or woman ,for cooking, care of 2 yr. old boy. Very light housework. Nie room, radio. $8. Wilmette 410. 71LTN51-ýlte THOROUGHLY RELIABLE WHITE woman for cleaninig, smail laundry. fiv r ul v very week, Permanent. $6. .UUoas ............................. . l . U Second ......................$12-$17 General ...... :...............$12-.$18 Houseman ...................$754$80 Nursemaid................$19,-$16 Gardener..'W. .. Wages, Open MAYWE.ELPY0Uý SHORLINE AGENCY WINNETKA 3012 73LTN-51-ltc EXPERIENCED COUYPLE WANTED. Muet have excellent referefice. Man must 'be able to drive and do. some gardeing. Cali Superlor 8500, Apt. 808. 73LT1N51-ltc USED CAR nàiARàugAIN SAVE oni These Splendid Usedi caire finwih...... Zt er. 14ew .. . . . . . 275 n............. 60 S nt...... 450 895 721 Green UÙNFURNISHED ROOM ANDKITCwý enette by woman emploed. Write B-151, Box 60, Wlmette, Illinois. 93LTN51-1ti3 FoRie otg-.LTr. HUItpo. Rooms NICELY FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms; ight, gas and elec- trio refrigerator furhished. Garage gpace. 929 Thirteenth St., Wilmette. 84LTN51-ltD) O9ARD AND ROOM KENILWORTH INN C L E A N. CONFORTABLE ROOMS. Suites with private bath. We special- lze ln home. ooked od 315 Cumnor' Rd. Keailworth 0491 8fLTNflS-tfcý VANSTON'S MOST eautiful Bldg. 4'h rooîns, .E. Cor. Chicago Ave. d Grove, corner apt. Liv. n. with fireplace. 2 de- Khtfizi bedrms., dînette, ýthenétte, tii. bath with ower, 'venetian blinde, f ree ýfriKeration. cd, newly decorated.6 i. tffIis or ytuLr. Respofleible people-. $80.' Splendid loca- tion. Greenleaf 4829. 93LTN51-ltp 5 ROOMS AND SUN:,PARL1Olt. 2d flIoor. !721 Simpson St.,, E-vaneton. Phone Uni. 4964 for appointment. or kenilworth 457. 93LTN51-ltp 601 LAKPE AVE., WILMETTE. 4 BED rom,2 baths, H.W. Heat. :TWo- cer garage. Decorated inside and out, avaiabie now. Near beach. Reduced to a reai. bargain, $ 110.00 per month.> ÈEvanston. 3 bed rooms, 1% baths. I.W. Heat. Two-car. garage. Substantiai 4iomne. Niceiy decor- ated. At $65 per month. A very charming white Coloial ~ huee-3,bed- rooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor. Maids room and bath on rd. H. W. 011 ht. Large wooded lot-Best part of Lincolnwood - Rent v e r Y Reasonafble. 1REDERICK A. COOPER 1505 Chicago Ave., Evaneton Greenleaf 3030 Shidrake 3030 9714TN51-ltC -Decoratür, Studios 1750 Willow Rd. has an opening for a young Intelligent youth. Muet have an inclination for Interior décoration. Starting salary $12 per week. Appiy ln ownl writing, stating abiiity, age, etc. to P.O. Box 336, Wlnnetka. 721TN5%T1 .1te HARRING'] Hudson-Ter 1110 Cbicago Ave GOOD 1L 1926 DO]i MOTORS e Dealers iive in than a* bouse. 4. ~bedrm., 2 bath apart. First Ploor. White wood& work, private 40 ft. side yard. Across from 'Park. 2 blks. from Miller School. ~Near Davis St. East side, rent reasonabie. FýREDERICK A. COOPER %..X -< %JL- 4ý Over 43 Years of Dependable Service 328 Park Ave., Giencoe Ph. Glencoe. 11 97LTN51-ltc NEW ICENILWORTI-I'LISTING Charm. mod., br.. Col., nr. everyt-hing. 4 bedr., 21/2tule b., 2 gar. $125., WINNETKA Stones throw to lake-2 bi., grade-igl schi., 4 trns., mod., Col., 5 bedr., 3 b... 2 pch., ohl, game rm., furnished or flot 2 Z IOVEB ,ana wax Idren. 0.1 83LSlltP Wllmette. IdI ter 2, 3 .AND 4 BEDROOM East Wilmette, good location. iportation. $60 to. $80 per 11mette 424. 97LTN51-ltP) -1t~ I tiF -w; VOIR