A Home of Your Own A colonial, home wlth a ,pillard porch on the front and a large rear porcli overleoking' the garden-s 2-car gar., oil beat, 6 bedý- rmm.,' 60 ft. lot. Near thc lake: achools aud transpor- tation. Only $18,000.00. Tjilei cottage la located Juet where you hope It lu. % o! ! an acre, beautiful trees,' close te uchool, transporta- tion and lakts, yet com-. pletely secluded. You kuow the kind you wish tiome- body would seli but they won't-usualIy. :Weill uow they will. $20,000.00. ~1 Y ft ii. A modern brick home wlth a 2-car gar. Four good bedrms. and a sleeping porch aud 2 tiI. baths. All for $17,000.00. ýW4ist have' )r you? From mn buy your lcm. is spic h 4 bedrms. car gar., oil vmeîit as 10w ner ana tne lifeeume rof- and for Grandma, tbeme's ber ow») roomn and toliet and lavatory on the- firat floor. Eight rooms ln ail. It's ln cast Wlmette and only $ 10,0100. 11ILT45l-tc NEAR LAKE ]BEAUTIFUL S O L 1 D brick home, three bedrooma, two baths, llbrary. break- fast room, two porches, and recreatien room. Ail large roome, tule kitchen, twe car brick garage. Lot 6OXt150 ln heavly . wooded section, three blocks to Lake and -transportation. This -home cost prèeent owner $ 40,000. and la now being offered at $15,760. Cail Mr. France. SHORE-TOWNS REALITY CORPORATION Ors. 300 11LTN51-1tc JFirst TROme .Offi red1 rooms, mwater rage. ago, In K< HOME WITH roomis, four bed- one-half baths, -hot two-car brick ga- 40,000 a few years t$2 5,QO for clear two-flat Elmer E. Stuits, Inc. 460) Winnetka Avenue Winnetka 1800 TRTIS HOME IS IN EX- cellent condition - You can mnove right ln, 6 rmso., 3 bdlrms., slp. pcb., sun rm., modern kitchen and plumfb- Ing, enameled woodwork tbroughout. Well built and arranged. An excelent east Wilmette location n ea r schools & transp. lrlce $12,000.90. Mr. 'Lanidaker. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston' Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette -3740 l1lLTN51-lte bue 0 rom-5bedrn.,3 bath. One .6 room-3 bedrm. 1 bath. NORTH WESTERN REALT1Y & BÙIIJDING CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS "Builders for 36 Years" Davis St. Uni:9 663 Vernon Ave. Glenee 2, 05 llLTN51-lte Best Buy iEvanston 7 IROOM. 1 % STORY PRESSED BRICK residence;, natural lireplace, break- fast room. Htot Water heat. 2 complý,et. systems gas and: ceai. Exclusiv seion near schois and transp. Ownerieaving City. Just reduced tt.% la prie. $11*000, terms. L. C. jBMRGnR GREm 0471 i 1ILTN5 1-ltc BEAT HIGH RIENT 6 RM. BUNG., 3 BEDRMS., H. A. H.. firepiSce, screened' porch,, beatltfuIW,ý wooded lot, $6.500. OnIy $1,000 down. balance on contract. E.S. WISDOM &CO ,26, Center St. WInnetka 3,87 EAST WILMETTE 6 ROOM-2 STORY-DUTCH Colonial-Lot 60xl75; garage - ne e gdoffiw - OhOD9 transp. Beautitul woode<1 sec- tion - $12,500. Term.. L. C. Burgezaer. Gre. 0471. 11iLTN51-1tc. WILL SACRIFICE SUMMER COT- tage,. 4% acres, 125 foot waterfront on Buffalo Lake, Wisconsin. By owner. $1,000. Wilmette 729. I11LTN51-Itp A GOOD INVEST1MWNT. NICE OLD house In Winnetka. Conv. loc., very cheap. Win. 269. IlL5l-ltp Sunse t Ridge is the answer; theàe parcels are located Jtist north et Winnetka Road, west side of the street, Pricez range from $2.000 te, $2,56 each». ew.home.m par. 623 I51Foi D. 1 L .L 254 G re *ltc Davis. 1164 ,TY, Ime. nston c- L 1