season stibscriptions has prevented the, sale of. 'single admission tickets up to the- present timie. The tickets will .be available by m1ail_ order_ -or by calling at the Festival association'headquar-m tersP 313 East Chicago avenue, or at Lyon and. Healy's Evanston, and Loop stores, and aàtMarshall Field and com- pany. Prices on the Wagner programn with Kirsten Flagstad as gust 'artist, May: Ili -are listed at $4, $!;0, $3, and $2.50., 'Tickets for Bach -night with jeanette Vreeland, Ka t hr yn Meisle, Julins Huehn, and -William Mille, and -the Chicago A Cappella choir, the North- western A Cappella choir, and the Fes- tival chorus, will selI at $3.50, $341 .0 $2 and $1. 50. The children's programp, on Saturday afternoon, May 15, will feature Alec Temipleton as Iguest artist, and tickets will lbe $3*5,2 'U andi $IS.~ Tickets for 'Saturday 'evening, when Gladys Swavihout, Richard Crooks, and Julius Uuebn will sing, *will sellI at $4, $3.50, $3, and $2.50. The Northwestern Festival wjiI at- tract visitors to Evanston from alI over the Mid-West, as shown by the many ticket nrders from Milwanukee. Des Cuit Ye Olde Towne Foikes to Festiuity on Tuesday, May 18 Twenty-five-year residents of Wil- nette and inembers of their families jill enio a f estive. occasion Tuesday Legare-LoVing Photo Jim Neilson Of Winnetka, Who mas elected to T. N. T., high honor group at New Trier High :chool,: and who 'S head of, the, port -car- nival given last 14i by the boys of the se retei e h TiS Thé award, given sented to the studentm of bis classmates, lx5 purposes of the Tri-' nianship, citizenship,a Home Ga .4ay, zvoselected 'chool recently to Jones, a member ofthte W:Imtette club, will be the toastmaster. Music during th e dinner, will be provided by New Trier High school Music groups. Th e evening's activities wil termni-, nate. with a splash party in the high school pool. Members of the Chicago kotary club who reside on the north shore, have been inv ited to participate in the meeting. Thomasm Mann Theme for Rabbi Shulman ,Sermon ]Rabbi Charles E. Shulm ans sermnon topic for- Sunday, Mayr 2, will . be ý'"Thomas Mann-Symbol of the Future Germany." Dr. Shulman is. the Rabbi sermon on tion of the Europe's g recently anr .man1. oZ ietters, wnoJ in America. 1 rdeners Urged to Obtain Saturday, May 15, the annual Wil- mette Garden Market wili be held on the green directly east of the Chicago & North Western passenger station. This fine, enclosed location, wit h its shade trees, bas been obtained through the Courtesy of the railroad. The New Trier Citizens league will hold. its' annual meeting Friday, April 30, at 12:15 o'clock, in the English Room of the Great Northern hotel. There will be an election of officers and directors for the ensuing year, according to -Max W. Zabel, secre- tary. in a great achievement, S. J. Duncan- Clark declared before somne 300 vil- lagers assenibled. at a dinner meeting, Monday 'nigbit of this week, but con- stitutes, as well,'a distinct challenge to aIl civic- minàddresidents to join together in cooperative effort te achieve finer and greater things fer Wilmette. Honm"Police and Officiais Mr. Duncan-Clark was the principal speaker at the dinner meeting at which specal honors were accorded menibets. of the Wilmette. Police departmient, Village-Président Harry C. Kinne, and ahl Outgoing and incoming Village of- ficiaIs. Openecl by F. Dewey Anderson, presi- dent of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, 'Monday's meeting was pre- sided over by Dr. D)onald- M. Gallie, ce, di rector of person- nal Safety council made ;entatlôn of the official plaque to President f of Police Cloyd mc- ve a detailed account te had acconiplished the winning sucb nation- witnh his vigorotis challenge to the Cit.- (Continued on Page 67) beC dis( ,2. » -l