competition was maugurated in the field of music, providing for original student compositions in six branches of music, under a national committee of distinguished music leaders. The results of this contest, both in num- ber' and quality of entries, bas heen a happy surprise to its sponsors. There were three prizes offered for a piano solo composition. The first prize was won by Betty Jean Craw- ford, 16 years old, of St. Louis; the second prize by Elizabeth Leonard, 14.years old, of Pittsburgh; the third prize was won by David Geppert, 15. of Wilmette a student at New Trier High school. The judges in the contest were the eminent Harvey Gaul, composer and critic: Dr. Will Earhart of Pittsburgh, and Dr. W. Claude Rosenberry, of H1lrgbur, the latter tiwo of th country's foremost music educators. The judges read and played the 969 entries. The work submitted by the contestants was hailed by educators and the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- tem staff. Eddie Katz, 15, promising young violinist, also of New Trier High school, won honorable mention for his composition for violin with piano ac- WXr INALL tYPUIW PERMANENT WAVING Amy ITUse... U% 1213 WILMETTE AVL WILMETTE 46% Photo yne 7 at me Ce> the North WI. 409 1124 G % blk. east of N. S. a on, e e $3.9g m . . g 7.45 a Id Large Park ,Who l mgs on tne -veral| the "40,"1