tion of H. C. Lamborn. parts and ac- cessories mianagzer of the Ford branch. attracted a crowd of more than 22.000 to its 1936 show. .This 'year's entertainment will, be, featured by the personal appearance of "AI Pearce and Hl$ Gang,' famous radio. stars now appearinx on one of the Ford coattoý-coastnetwork pro- grams. "I wilI act as ýmaster of certhlonies. CENTRA-AURE, P. ..j' SUSMIT NEW PLAN Reviewing t eactivi ties, Parent - Teacher organizatl of the n and Dus pro-1 Coyis alredy famous for its as- sociation with the Iife of Col. Williai Cdknown to every, American as BUffalo Bil.-Wfith al t-colorful back- ground of >historic lo6re and its stra- tegic.location with respect to the fanious Cody Road, Yellowstone National Park and the. center of Dude Ranch activity, it is8ý desti ned to become: an important shrine -of western Ainerican art.. Mr. Kershaw. has for the past ten years been director of the Art Depart- ment of the National Safety council. Re is widely known in. the field of photographiéc.art. .Mr.' Grigwair,a painter of' national reputatîon, bhas won bigb bonors at many salonsduring re- cent yearu. The new colony, now under construc- Il. .K.shav Cody, Amateur Athletic Union ani'd ljlympic circles, for personal solicitation of every graduate and -former st udett living in Cookc andi Du Page count- tics. One of th~e objectives of the cam- paign will be r aising the $375,000 quota assigned to the Chicago district for the million-dollar Alumni F.ounda-. tion fund. The money wil -be used for construction of a new Student Union building, establishment of scbolarships and fellowships, endow- ment of professorsbips and like projl- ects. Zuppke, in the Chicago meeting. said, "A student center is far .more important than a stadiunw-. It wduld- be a part of student life for nine mon*hsot o f the vear. We neeil a seum. ment w Wil- fromi ~ray i~o *Heretofore it has been the mothers who have devoted their' time and energies to close conta«~ with the1 school activities of thé children, but t to more fully arrive at solutionss which talce into consideration the best thinking of our conirunity, the boardt open to participation 'can artists in tune m the old West and Sof historie Wyomii Lo Mr. Kersbaw the j I