the Minneota-Cafladian border. iTne object is to prescrVe to posterity -ths immense çviidernessj, over 12,500miles ini extent,' inits natural unrivaled beauty, grandçur and scenic wonders. ft.swuh en tNorth Shéw. To bring this desirable objective to fruition, there was formed ini 1917 an organization known, as the Quietico- Superior council, whîch adopted a pro- gramn of action and protection which lias since been consistently followved w'th gratifyng, resuits. To aîd the council in iù its o of wildernéss pres- ervation'anotheÉlr. organization, known as Quetico-Superior Minute Men, was formed. It is this organmzation" that is recruiting north shore villagers to the movement. Mlder R. Tighe, 521 Fnnfth £ Wimette. is chairmau ,ica nat by man. Men held ,go Wed- :was ad- ltzer, ex- etico-Su- the Quetico-Superior Minute Menr saftfiuar-v A t the loP iu bictured Iy comieÇted with the Quetico>-Su- persor mnovement fromn its inception, and is conversant with the dificulties ençountered, progress anade 'and pos- tormed a bill was introduced ln Con- co*nmittsa1 as to the~ future, expressing Superior. Minute Men are devoting grems, deslgÏnating thie Iakeland ares. of the hope that nothing wouid interfere their efforts. It is said that the region's .Northeamtern Minnesota from Riy with thie rogram of thie Quetico-Superiu euyi lake east to Lake Superlor, anud forbi4- couneil. This was. our second gra c batyi beyond description, and that ding any further alteration of water tory. It left thie way clear for thie at- it is a veritable paradise for those levels except with thie consent of Con- tai [lment ofthtRe couneil's constructive who love the wilds and find perfect, gres. program."l recreation in fishing, canoeing and WinVieory l 98 "Areston _____ ls ntroduffl ln- StUatU*8 inMi=aesotaL other pursuits to be found only ini fi_ --_--_f---_4_-_---- i rimitive spnots, of which this is the The above I