NMw ivinu at 097 Cherry street in Winnetka, Sofia Jaag was boum m Swedea, cause to America in 1*10 mnt Haag in New York, and settled idown to . artistic existence l in is country. 'This ex- Wsence bas been fuilt.of patterný' She and Mr. Haag exhibited jointly in many art institu tes in the United States, he with hits sculptures, his wood carvings, ste with- her textles, her eut- lwuideries. "We are lest kuown in Chicago than la any other cities," sh tolà- me. la her studio sIte bas 'a few of the sutaller places doue by Haag, bis caricature of spiteful megbbors, whitchtshe lias ini a little glassed-in niche witb specia lighting, lits beautiful head of Lincoln mounted with a iplit ra i gurines of one kind and another, exquisite bas-reliefs of whicb one of the most charming lu 0Béfore Marriage.". Most of the Haag work is i storagc, awaiting. purchase by sme discriminating collector or mueums The 40 wood-carvimgs entitled "Spirits, t tii meC UtJirs are Cin he bas flot been able d in tooled leather Eaag inithte manner AThen I went to look he cofidedPI Tfonnu visiting clncs in Gen- eva, Swtzerlaud, and graduating f rom ',the Chicago Coliege of 'Na- prapatby. Todgy ite is practising naprapathy, receiing patients at her studio, and using one corne'r of the roomn for an office. She explained t h a t, her interest i drugles healing, in manipulation, of the spitte had corne about through, her war work as a reconstruc- ton, aide at Fort Sheri- dan, and her ensuing connection With the Vo- cational So c i ety for she )MY of shiny metal with a tight7fitting lid. On this was a queer inscription, and the local preacher pronounced it of Icelandic origin, meaning "Who- ever opens the urn shall die." ie hillside. For bal- in blues across the C. 0. Haag wovCI) the lier apoiucr fu w portrait soldier kept the the next with the found a