the University of Wisconsin, class of '29. Mr. HegRblom-ý who is a. geç- ôphysicist with the.GulfifluC-onpany of Pittburgh, returned last January from"Venezuela,'S. A., where he,,had been for two Ye-ars witli is company. SThe wedding.. wiIl take place this summer. Mr. and Mrs., McDermid 'and thià daughters, Miss Vera and Miss Dor- othy, ýare* temporarily, at: the North' Shore àotél and expect to be back In their Glencoe, homei by june 15. Lii.Social Events ai Nortk Shore Golf Club The golf season fç North 'Shorte Golf c day, May Il, and4 opening party of tht occurs. Outdoor cia ances by noted swivr 1 er and dancing,, evening at the clubi provenients and ai game of keno, *ith creasing each time, the club every Tih *what you are seeking is the latest. hairdress . .. in a finer.. . better. beauty serv- ice... not miles away . . . but here on Carlos Photo Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Beirnes, 927 Ramona road, apnounce the engage- me-nt of their niece, Harriet Border, tDavid Wjnstoit Long, Wo of Mr. and. Mrs. David P., Long of 1621 Lunt avenue, Chica go. Miss Border ts a graduate of the 'National Col- lege of Education and lias been teaching for the >ast year in Bloom- iitgton; Ill. The weddine zwill tgake M'a ce .arh inlJne.~ 29, the season erform- rs, din- At. Country Club ure anl ýe, im- IThe raiendar iof thep the North Our stff# operators thing peri commnandt Noô Mon's Land hShore.. then may we place à of artistkç men and . women e* >. créative artists in every- Iaininq to beauty -at milady'es Cheek & Hunes I3eauty Salon Clubc