Bridesmaid Miss Betty Paletiske of. .226, Tenth ýý,street Ieaves Sunday for the 'west. She wiII go, tô Arizona to vrisit the, Addi son Scotts 'on their ranch near Fairbanks, and also stop, in Tucson to, sec he r brother, Roger, at the, University ýof Arizona. Miss Palenske will be-a brides- niaid in the'wedding of Miss Gertrude Gaykwrd ini Pasadena- May 29, and, wil visit the bride the.weekc precedin g the wvedding. Miss Palenske wiII visit other friends i n California before returning to, Wilniette. DuBOl's-The PDrake Miss Dorothy Jane Fionefaig er, ithe dau.qhter of Mr. and-Mrs. Samuel L. I-one fanger of 321, Ra- leigh road, Kenilworth i. er r- riage té Williamt Kean Hailley of ,San. Franc isco wl take place in lune. k on. Mother's Day- gift rom SevensI lt's a charming compliment to lier instinctive love of fine things. Shessure to be pleased not only with th. thouglît, but also >wVith théi. gift. We'II wrap your choice in tissue andci rbbons, make il festive. Prince Matchabelli bhas designed an, exquistfe Mother's Day gifft-a trans-, parent box containing, costume car- nations and a . Iovelv crown shaped i Every woman a do re s smart bags-and at Stev- ens you'II flnd the smart- KisIav gioves are fit for a queen end the grandest of ail mothers- superbly soft French doeskln in ai the ve srnortest cotors and *Iý1f# - -* - '7.UJU CIJýfjl 4ll T ~I *L pearis, $4.tI--others fron. $1. *Ï EDGAR A. STEVENSe lac* Il ' I MAR A. STEVENS. Inc. Evansfon-