1" Lu. .uivisnsi vvashburn wiln sing. btfet uper iI beseredat bFriday evening, May 14, thememrE A bfft sppr wl. besevedat7 ers of. the Womnan's society willî o'clock and bridge, keno, and other sretespe o h nulsrn games wiIlfolw. "Ladies, Versus dinner of the c'hurch. Mrs. auchholz Genlemn"wiI b th orerof heis heading the committee preparing, evening, two men playing against twO the dinner. women at eacb table,. Partners may be Maywood Bundie day will be b chosen in advance, or -may be arranged served by the society on ThursdayE wvhen play commences. The gentlemen M ay 20. .rngn wt0tembnde wilI pivot during the evening, ilÎe the of old clothing and other c'ontribu- women. will. remain at the saine table tions, themmbrown'ee t h with the saine partuer. church at 9 o'clock in the morning and Duplicate prizes wîll. be given both will go- to the Maywood ReceivingM mn and women. Two prizes will' be house to spend the day sewigand aaddfor high and second high 'in mending. Each guest wil: take lierM each group, and .there' will be table own luncheon, and. coffee will be z prizes. served there.à Tenaine of Mrs. Albert A. Kortei has, been added to tbe list of those s- sisting with plans for the party. Mrs.f Korte bas secured as donations indi- To Give Luncheon vidual tallies for the bridge, and oandy for. the bridge tables. This wilî niean Nirs. Orville W. Warwick of 322 a coUsiderable saving in the profits of Sheridan roàd, Kenilworth, is enter- the party. - taining a group of friends for lunch -I Ticket sales are in the hands of Mrs. eon in her home Wednesday, later g Albert R. Fleischniann, president of the, takiing ber guests to the Ferry Hall à guild and general chairman of the affair, annual bridge party given in Lake= and Mrs. Frank Peters, the 'vice-presi- Forest.- Mr. and Mrs. Warwick had E dent. Anyone .wishing to. make reserva- as their bouse guest for several days tions for Friday evening may telephone this week Mrs. H. G. Poniy of Chi- THE ANNUAL Sp'ri ng9 Clea rance sal Begins May 5th 0&aô& &dudioftL ML 6111 8ar4, 'i I M Cots Fû«r trimmed and Unirimnmed $19.75to $89.50 Formerly $29.75 to $165 E L M 1STR E ET