Iteb r ,,i.Moberçt Daye May 9h Cot Prfuoeq5.00 Ywl Laveuder Toilet Coty PerfumeWater.......... 4Cu cutex bets .. $ 0 prfume Atoizw .... $1 IWIIITMA N'S or Page & show Chbocolt" I Choolt.Covered Cherries 1l'PundIbox ......*.*...............29 1Chocolat. Peppermuint Patties 1.II@uIeIEbox.... ............. ...... .............29c Mis Jean Spanuth, prominent leading lasdy in New Trier High scisool dramat'icç;, udll give lber li performance as the <ivorce-seekiflg vaudeville <lancer, Mn. Davis, in tihe Senior play "Lightnmn"' to be 1- .~& Ji4i ,dnakt. May? e. was argely taken 'up with reports, review -of the year's activities and discussion 'of suggestions for the. future. The> electionu of oficersan directors restUlted as follows President-ýFrederick O.Masoný Wimietka, 1. year. Vice-presideflts - Henry Fowlert M inmette, 1 year; Mrs. E. F. Sny- dacker, Kenilworth; Ayers- Boal, Jr., Winnetka;, Shernman R. Barn- ett, Glencoe.. Secrètaryr--Max W. Zabel, Wil- mette. Treasurer-Mrs. Esther Dunshee Bower, Wilmette. Nam*wD iretori The following board of directors. was chosen: Edwin A. Robson, Wil- Lake Ave. R. Lewis, 'ear; George years; J. L. 2 years; e, 2 years; Glencoe, 2 Glencoe. 1 ,announce oe> - >na to St,0 Kenilworth (holdover), 1 year. n is kno wn FurDirectrsat-Iarge ssible and The follnwing are the four direc- ýZovena be- tors-at-large, one for each village: and closes Paul 0. Palmer, Glencoe, 2 years; ty, May 22. Hjerbert Taylor, Kenilworth, 2 years; ________R. E. Ricksen, Wilmette (holdover), __1________ I . William W. Darrow, lIS? *Philip in. the [cy of mH the îun es. The y, May1 y. Satur, »Us From %qU.e