Carrnody LUI LmeVLIIIAUIeI, n ci the work as a' part of their regular studies, to explain the- facts that they bad first learned in tbeir tour of. tbe water works, and later trans- ferred. to drawings. The drawings, in turn, bad been. mounted on two big reels sothat tbey passed f rom one to the otber, in full view of tbe spectators,,as one of tbe cbildren turned a .crank. By :agreenient among the cbildren and* witb tbeir teacher, eacb child bad carefullv drawn the part of ýthe tour wbicb had impressed bim Muost- -These were carefully. arranged. in proper sequence. Enjoy "Shtow" The cbildren take delight in their "sbow." They've given it several tures for tbeir own amusement, .and, th'eyplan tê proea-t jt for sone o the other rooms of tbe Central schoql. As tbe reel unwinds, eacb child. wben bis own. part cornes, into view. gravelv, but with visi *ble~ delight. rises, faces bis audience,' and unloads bis bopperful of facts. 1is audience is critical. If lie *makes a >lip. if be talks too low or too fast, if be stands in front of the obiect be is trying to describe, he's Good at Figures These second graders are sta- tistically .minded. Tbey cati tell how many gallons are punuped ini each day, how xnuch eacb tank holds, wbat cbemicals are used to treat the water, tbe proportions, of each, and bow eacb acts to purify tbe, water supply. Often cbildren Who had cooperated on a picture would "Thirty-six inches!" was the scori-~ fui interruptiýon from the class. *"They are 36ý inches in diameter," goes on the speaker, flot >a whit em- barrassed cither by' the interruptio.n. oir the presence. of comipany, but keenly relishing the'use of big words like "diameter." "Then the pipes go into this room," continuing and pointing. Again aný interruption. "Wait," explains bis eager part-' ner. "Now it's my turn to tell about this part." And, when the objection is sustainied by ýtbe teacher, .be launc hes into a technical descriptio6n of the water plant that would be a credit to a high school student. The wor k was projected under the general supervision of Miss Frances Donnel1y, art supervisor in the public schools. Miss Donnelly. in comment- OU f11 te *1ik é>dttn~ hàt it was the plan of lier department to let the cbildren obtain their educa- tion and inethods 'of self expression from their own experiences as much as possible in order to supplenlent thieir class room reading.. FAMILY REUNION Mrs. William Jarvie Worcester (Florence Branson) of Montclair,, 1be in E witb fatuer: ai siste r. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Nye Macalister. 918 Asbland avenue, have just re- turnied from a two weeks' stay at Flot Springs, Ark.' yet if Corouadon Day dawma b"s and ravwiwEhin hisoricold Wes I no disomfor& The km s iand ldete soldiersan tesa froni every corer o~ f tÉhe would, will find the.ancient abbey s» È OnUq ad eomfortabe sthe Mos miodemrnAtueucau home. Fée Westminster Abber Es heaed by Williams Oil-O-Maticr lhatIo si.slgnifcant fact. Sig. nificant because with al <tho e aS Eng units in the. world <o choose froni.,. withjrlce surely no ob- focs 4 sa 8Wâ jams Qal.O-MatEc wau seIected for Great IkieaWas mos rnowned ari.. Surely Great Dritain chose wisely andt welI. More tha. <iwfers wiIl attWut to ti e toda y ovin the humlost irican ;home can eniov 011. BURNINO !NGIt4URS, kw. Ope 11009 DAVIS ST, WIL EVANSTON