In an informai garden wed- ding- at the winter home of her Parents on Friday,,Mav 6. Miss Barbara Merreli Oleson, daugh-, ter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Oleson'of 240 Woodstockave- nue, Keniiworth,. and Sarasota, Fi.., was married to Owen Burns, Jr., the son of Mrs. Owen Burns 'and the late 'Owen Burns *of Sarasota. The ceremony. per- formed in a bower of blossomsl by the Rev. W. Ai .Liiiycrop> rector of the E-piscopal Church. of the Redeenlier in Sarasota,. wasl foiiowed hv a %,%dding breakfast at the Oleson home. Friday, june 10, is to be the wedding day of Miss Emma ,Hayes: Bickham, daughter, of. Mr. and Mrs. Martin ýHayes Bickhamý of 429 Nint.h street,, Wiimette*. At .8:30 o'clock that eveniing, ini the Wilmette Parish Methodist church, Miss Bickhamn will become the bride of Will iamn Alvin PTcher, son of Mfr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Pitcher of Down- ers Grove. Miss Bickham, a graduate of New Trier High scbool, attended GrinnelI college two years, and: graduated last December fromn the University of Chi- cago. Since her graduation, she has been assistant to Dean Charles Wv"hit- ney Gilkey of the Rockefeller Mle-' moirial chapel at the UJniversity and ~teaching Jdn ±hc sJixthgrae f the. University Elementary school. Mr. Pitcher received bis B. S. f roni the 'University of Chicago in 1934. and is doing graduate work there now ini the Divinity school. H~e is also an orcis, andt a t held ini place the t Miss Helen Vai as maid of honor quoise blue lace assistant to DJ The young lean Gilkey. couple announced their to their university Mrs. Oleson was gownned in pale pink crepe,- a large white hat and shoulder bouquet of white gardenias for her daughter's wedding. while Mrs. Burns wore a flowered print with bitte hat and gardenia corsage. The bride and bridegroom left im- mediately for a brief wedding trip to the east coast, and wili. live tem- porarily ini Ft. Myers where 'Nr. The gardepi of the teinter honte of 31 r. and .lrs. JohoiP Oie. £1,<.rh ai Çnmtfta. PIa..-twas th.'e enco he 1,wddiin n f thcir dau Mcago, andi Mr. Pîtcbier's sister, \Iissý Avis Pitcher' of Hammond, Ind., and Downers Grove. William Minor of Columbia. ',\o., will be Mr. Pitcher's bést mani, and ýSO; 01. the ushers will be Robert B. Giffen, ughter. Farrell Toorl, .Clifford Murphy, ia>' 6. and Dorrance 'Nygaard, ail of Chi- îes the cago, james C. Bean, and Robert ny andi Lov .ntry Dinner wil be seved at 6:45 o'clock, and.,the program follows at 8. WILMETTE LIFE,