Thomas H. Fullerton of Wil- mette.. Their wedding: vows were. repeated by, cand1eigrht, tall candelabra, an(1large bas- kets of, white peonies and lark- spur. decorating the chuirch along with patins and cybotium fern., The bride was gowned n white inarquisette made on ýsiiPlC biles with full skirt. long train, and butterfly sleeves.. Her, fingertip vei vas lheld ini place with a wreath of orange blos- soins, and- she, carricd. a large Co- lonial bouquet of white Iarkspur, fever few. roses and sweet peas. Mrs. D, P. Hlatch of Ma\Irblehead, Maâss., sister of the bride and matron of hionor. wore light blue crepe with a contrasting sash- of rose; pink satin, white the bridesrnàids, Miss Sus'n'iie' Sanders of Melrose, Mass., and Miss Elizabeth Johnson of River Forest, wore rose pink georgette witli blue sa shes. Their flowers were large co- lonial bouquets of pink sweet peas, pink roses, white fever fe%%, and blue delphinium. Two flower girls also attended thie bride, lier five-year-old niece. Bar- bara Jean Hanstn. daughter of 'Mr. lin of pan of Lake B elliageep J'irKila ports ot 'rneir this peiod. Isoý give bi ievements, 4ring >The most importaintý business to be enacted during the day will be the election, of officers and the- adoption of, a program of work for the yearý to corne. A proposed program has been submnitted by each department of studyý for the consideration of the delegates at this meeting. In addition to the regular business of the day there will be two speakers. Mlrs. Quincy Wright, -chairman of the -départinent of goverment and for- eign policy: of, the National League of Women Voôters, will speak on the convention of the National league, taking as ber topic "Principles Be-, hind the Issues."> Dr. Thomas H. ýgue and ar municipali of the WiI- ittending the ' r. Eelhnuth, Frederick W. James Kennedy of'Evanston served party Mr. Fullerton as best man, and the Harcl ushers were Thomnas H.I Fullerton. Fur Jr., brother of the bridegrooni. Robert quýaîn Hfansen, joseph Berol of Wilmette, frienc and Anson Sirn of Long Island. liasb 1Mr. Fullerton is- taking bis bride the the cause of wider ac- ip among members and e guild, a dessert bridge mnne and1 tickets are in FW girls: Purse uoeb and compact dainty colored enamel, eac dicti, of white. inff t-1; ~vwe4 tsch" Friday ai ber home, 802:L; t her e i nue. 'ai