the North Shore ili be a May breakfast held on Friday, May 27, at. 12:30 o'clo ck noon. at Shawnee Coutntry Club., The meeting will be one week later titan usual, as the president, Mrs. Thomas Edward Boswell, the first vice-president, Mrs. Henry e. Mason, as..delegates, and Mrs. E. L. Imoff and Mrs. SaIlie Johnson as aiternates, are attending the forty-fourth an- nual convention of the Kentucky Fed- erated Clubs held in the First Pres- byterian chburch at Covngton, Ky., May 18., 19, and 20. Because of the ýwork it does ýinthe soutb, the Ken- tucky Society of Evanston and. the, North Shore i8 affiliated inKentucky. - After breakfast, the installation of new officers will take place. Nect yeaes bô-ard wfft! 1-Ms. ~Tomaxs Edwarcl Boswell, president; Mrs. Hîenry E. Mason, first vice-president; Mrs. James A. 'king, second vice- president; Mrs. Beverly W. Howe, recording secretary; Mrs. George W. Rue, corresponcling secretary; Mrs. 0. L. Robinson,- assistant; Mrs. John j une 3, uner he UCsponRWTsKUp ofthte Kenilworth GardenI club.I 1In the morning at 1l o'clock he will speak on. "Garden Structure and De- sign," and,,in the afternooni at 2-:30 oMcock *il! talk on the subject, 'SHow to Live in a Garden." The series is open to the public, and information about tickets may be obtained f rom .Mrs. Harold' Tideman of Kenilworth. *Luncheon will be served that day at Indian Hill for ail those who wish to remain, but> reservat ions must be made in. advance.> For Sigma ClIi Moihers The Sigma Chi Mothers club wili meet Monday., May. 23, .at , 2Z.30. o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Arthur F. -Littlefield, 546 Elm street,'Win- netka. Mrs. Walter Merrili will be assistant hostess. A short business *meeting will open the prograrn, then bridge will be played. y Co-Hostesses for Bridge Deflaven Photo m.&B. M. marcn-o I.42J Gregory avenue, Wilmette, is. a member of the cornmittee in charge of arrangements for the Saint Luke's Junior guild Spri ig Swing, ifs annual beitefit, which this y-ear takes place ot Shaswnee Coun try club> Saturday evening, Mlay 21, at 9:30 o'clock. Polish Wedding A Polish wedding, the pro- duction of a group of cbildren from the Northwestern Uni- Yersity. set tiement,. will be ,an interesting feature oif the-sec-.; ond annual .Bargain bal ,of the junior board of the settiemhe nt, Saturday evening, juné 4-, in the Grand ballroom of the. Stevens botel. This and otherent.ertain- ment of the being arrangedbyMUrs. Wallace Maé- Kenzie of Winnetka. The party this vear wilI be a supper dance. with, Mrs. 'Edward Tourtelot, Ir., Of Evanstonas general chairman. Miss Janle Hoover of Evanlston has charge of tickets and' table reserva- tions, Mrs. joseph Sharp of Chicago is handlinig publicity in ber city. and Mises Marivoiie Street of Winnet1ka is publicity chairman for the north shore. The board hopes that the escorts of the women attending the ball 'will wait until their arrivai at the hotel to 'purchase flowers, as unusual flower arrangements are being pre- pa red to be off ered for sale by a group of attractive yQung women under the direction of Mrs. W. Taylor, Jr., of L. Inhuoli, andm rs. A. t. iiin The programn that will follow wil consist of music and poetry. Mrs. 'Harold F. Van Steenderen, formerly of Highland Park and now of Bar- rington, will. sing, accompanied by Jessie Woodson Sincere, Mrs. Wil- liam Herbert Avery, f ormier pres- ident, will read nature poetry. tiyl>'i 1 T. Hostes Lincolil The - ý tings of the three groups of Kendall Shepard, -Mrs. Horace Cook, n Dawes chapter of Children Mrs. Carl' Davis, and M,,iiss June XVil- e American Revolution are. son. led to take place this week, Bv means of its Bargain bail, the, Jng to announcetuent made by Junilor board expects to 'raise a good ent, Mrs. Thonmas C. Gray, 2143 sum to send malxy children of the set- n'wood drive, Evanston. tiemient neighborhood to its summer Super-senilors, of which George' camp, the House-in-thie-W\oods.. west is chairman, will meet at 6 of Wilmette. e.A,, N -,. 91 - I- WILMETTE LIFE