To heetandc srve With baiked beans or us.- for good, sa nd. 2 cens of beans-u 1 brown bred- S c Ail for- Club Soda good t. &leep on hand çd fo 'ail cold drinks- <kz.79c' (Plus Deposit> Fremh.., buUered* pop cora, Large, juin !.Oc 2Oc Ice -Cream Wafers Nabisco Wafers. in a neow form-Chocolote, vanillé' and sfrawbe'rly ficvr-afl combin.d i.on-Packed in cello packages1 of twenty larger wfers-Perfec* to ser e wt, *crean- p I 9c BING CHERRIES Jumfbo ile fruit-The sea- son's, finast - Sweet end mneaty and r.ady tfoet-. ORANGES FOR JUICE. Thin-skinned. Calif ornle seedies fruit--nRich in Juic., fulli -of2 c d:.70c vitemin content- x.2 e 3 o i BEEF STEAK TOMATO1ES.* Jumbo size-Famous for thuir fine flevor- NEW APPLU%., Perfect for Pl*$ or new not treaf.theb famlly fo a hot apple pie tonght?- NMW POI'TME&Medium s xç- CIpan and inviin- lb 9c epple sauce-Why 31bs29e 'l' lbm. 33C ~AC~RnUeRSUMMIR SOUASIfce. White or yeltow R DRA P ER IS variety-$o good whensidpr Fmncy Illinois fruit-Ruby-red, large and swee- oldanbket àdicebrw 2 bs.19 On sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday SO 5UR CHERRIES. Illinois-grown- Grown on y- pint box25c for pis' "stew.d cherries" or qe 9 canning--qat 9 SQ AS.Tender. plump oced when served with'new potetoes end summer sqush- oh. sudi a dellcmcy' 2 for9 CH OICEI IIIROAST 0OF BEF. Agied beef that is full of REAL lavor-temier end Iulcy and would cofi wlth a fot& if EmiIy Pot Lare-270, sm&ll-35c permitted il-- lb. lIb. SIRL*IN STEAIK. Juicy ed tende- The perfect eut for Mhe larger femlly-l.7c FRE5H GROUND SUIF, VEAL and PORK. Add chopped onion. n egg nd bak. t. e delicate 27c, brown-Delicious hot or ulriced cold-lb For an or creamig-. ~lbs.- ROMAINIE LETTUCE The aristocratf of the lettuce fcmiy- Piquent ie fiavor end decoretive ag 9 an àsalad- 2h:cdls19 IWATERMELONS Ripe. jucy, readY to0e- Vn-ripeeed. sweef, IMsCig mvelons - $0 inviflgg wi served for breakfast or à dinner appetier- ,SvoiI or bake d l.36c Boned and reedy, tomàtoes- 49e jUNIE 9, 1938