Ethel H. Lee IPhOto' Spanning the Arnoriver at Floren'ce, Italy, this ancien t stone bridge off ers ideal composition for artists and -the camera fans. It is unique because of uts roof 'and -also becatise of te tiny jewelry shops which adisere to its stone tcalls. Uded for additional support apid streazgth, lte wooden pro>s beneath the floors Iend rnuch to the picture. is a great favorite and maintains anl marvelous carved, bronze doors turned atmosphere of its own notwithstanding witb age into a beautiful diill, soft black. the nlany other Most interesting cities Visiti:ig Italy without going to Flor- il, Italy. In Florence one inay visit the ence would be tnlssing a great deal. famous ga leries of the Uffizi and the _________________ Pitti Palace, containing collections of the choicest gems of art; the Totnb of Field Mass on thecampLus alerL which the graduating class of senior cadets will receive their diplomas. The afternoon events will open wit1j à civic and military :parade to the. campus for the afternoon drill finals. andi review. GRADUÂTES Miss Margaret Simnpson, cjaugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Simpson, 918 Vernon avenue, Glencoe, com- pleted the three year course at Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers college, IFine Arts building, Chicago, last week and receîved her diploma. Miss Simp- son bas- secured a position teaçhing O n the primary grades at Flossmoor, Ili. PARADISE. RANCHES It's diffsrent, if's wholhsome fun, for tIi. enlire family. And why not b comfortwle and eloy For further ifnormàaion addrum The Hortom's. Soi4bsfrleg. Wy... or NORTH SHORE TEAVEL SERVICE spend sevreral months tmotoring a broad. They are taking their' car, with themn. In the party will be Miss G ertrude M.\atthews, 319 Essex road, Kenilworth, and four children of Mrs. Hoiner H. Johnson of 158 Met- rose avenue, Kenilworth-Ruth and Prudence, and their younger broth- erH-onier and Hortoil. They will disoppoian'réi.a Grobaps