ilwoirth, was with an. heir- 1,00m ring, which will niow. serve the .third generation, Wednesday, when she becamie the bride of John Echols Sykes,, Jr., son of Mrs. John Echolsý. Sykes of Winnetka. Made in two siender sections, the: dividing,'lne of 'the rinig is invisible until its odd "Vý'rench link" ,is sep-, arated by a tiny clasp. The names 3f the bride ýand bridegrodom have been cograved on this inside surface. The., circlet was 'made. as the wedding ring of the bridegom's grand- mother in New Orleans in 1878 by a French jeweler wbo had moved'bis small workshop from Paris to the then predominant1>' French city. The ceeremony was . ermedat5 o'cloek Wednesday afternoon at St.. Athanasius church ini Evanston, and wa.s followed by a reception at the Kenilw rth home of the bride's pa- rents. Gowned in white.organdy, she worc a long floating veil 'of tulle and carried a bouquet of' gardenias, her favorite flower. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Irwin Con- verse of Nules Center, childhood friends of the bride andbridegroom, Carlos Photà Mlrs. T. IVeller Kimbail, 333, I.eicester road, Kenilwcorth, has been aepôieivted lol ha ,irn ofthe Ravinia Festival ticket selling carn- paign in»-thle village of Ke>ilworth. Coupon books for flhc six weeks' scasont comnenci,îg luie 30, mnay l'e obtaied by calling .ilrs. Kini- bail. riage this nionth to R<oger willians Budlong of Evanston,,son of Mr. and Mr.E. C. 1Budleng. ln, the Chapel of Rmmrneat the. Finst Congregational church of ILvasto at4 o'clock on Fnida>' aftcr- *noon, June 24,,thec wedding will take place. Imrémcdiately fol.lowing there wil. be a reception nii the - church housc. *Miss Rockafellow will have hersis-,: ter, 'Marian, as bier maid- of- honor. 1-er one other attendant is to-bcý Patricia Budlong of Chicago, asflower girl, the ,nicce of the-bidgeroom. E dwin, F.- Walker' of Hinsdale wilI *bc \In.,Budloiig's best man,, and the iushers are, Robent Denny of Evans- Eton and Robent Budlong, brother of the bridegroom. kuncheon Hosfess Today Mrs. WV. F. McNulty, 527, Central avenue, has as ber bouse guest this %veek, M.\rs. Arthur Murray of Phila- delphia. The hostess, is giving a luncheon in the visitor's honon at ber bone today tThursday). day evening of this week, for their daugliter,' Miss Eleanor -Kresge, and -lier bridai- attend- ants, wvill be the last of the, par- ties prcceding. the,-marriage. of Miýs Kresge and W.'iiam 1 S.- Hoebel, ýsoni of Mrs. I{obert Bl'akeéslee of Oak Park, on Sat- urday, June Il. The weather prmttng, the> NVed- ding wilI be- a garden ceremony p 1er- formed 'by the Rev. M. S.- Harvey, former assistant pastor of the \Vil- mette Parish Metbodist - piscopai church.: A reception will follow. Parties for the bride,. last Ïveek, in- cluded a luncheon and linen show- er followed by bridge on Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. James Armitage .of 1120 Ashland avenue, and a mis- ceflanéous, showeýr, lunch eon and, bridge given Friday by Mrs. Kellogg Logsdon, 2604 Blackbawk road, tbe, mother of one of the junior brides- maids, Joan Logsdon. Last Thursday Miss Virginia Green, 1600 HJigblandl avenue, a bridesmaid, entertained a group of ber Pi Phi sorority sisters at a per- sonai shower and buffet supper honor- ing the bride. Mrs. Blakeslee, the »71711V, >1. Following a boncymtoon trip 1b motor througb thé West Mr. Syke S and his bride will be at home alter jul>' 1, at 134 West Sevetiteeth street. Oklahomia City, Okia. the tiecond of a scries of pat givcn for the benefit of. th Francis. Xavier churcb. party, hield last Friday at ot Airs. Fnank Rothig, sIccCslui. 1 lii. speciaily invited guet dts to be' ýe iiew St. The first the home wvas very ts for the Give. Party for Graduates of Sears. School A graduation party for the eighth graders of joseph Sears scbiool wiII be given at the Kenilwortb club fromi 8 to 12 o'clock Friday evening, June 17, b>' twelve members of the -clas s. The hosts and bostesses for the part>' WILMETTF, LIFÉ