* netka, whose niarrifageto Carl J.Zipprich, J.0 f imte ivili 'take place Saturday eve- ning, June 25., The first of the ~'parties, a tea for about .150 guests, wasýien by the bride- groot'ni ths May 17, at their homne,-623 Forest .avenue. .A week later Miss ýEle anor Gos>- sett of Winnetka was, hostess at an eveningpalrty and.closet shower.. Thur ùsday 'of last. week, at Mrs. Fred S. -Wbite's home, 472 Eider lane', twenty-eight friends of the bride were entertained at luncheon and a personal shower. the bostesses being Mrs. Reginald V. Robinson of Winnetk<a, r. Don Alford of Ev- anston, and Mrs. Whiite. , Miss Grace Ellis of Evanston, for- merly of Glencoe, gave a luncheon Tuesday of this week at ber home., and today, (Tbursday) Mrs. Robert Stephens (Joy Stover) of Wilmette, had a luncheon party and bathroom shower at the home of ber niother, *Mrs., Frank Stover, ini Hubbard WmdýA- A mnicellaneous sbower and be the occasion for a dinner dance on Saturday evening. J une IL. The club's annùal, Feast of Lanterils, it. will cal], for 'decoraions including hun- dreds of bright swaying Ian- terns. Thç porcli overlooking the lake, bas beew cOmpletei.y screnc.d,'.,thlanks to the, success of a benefit openî house party, and this terrace offthe dining room iil be ready for use the niglit of'the'dinner dance. The guests will dance té swing rlu* sic anld nelodies byr Cy Reed's bands- meni, and the re wvî1I be special enter tainnient, the'details of which haveC' flot yet been announced. The last dances this sumnmer sea- schooI cianct lay evenilg, and CoIlege will be gra club also y night b' for both parties. june 14, the junior e wiIl be held, and ,June 16, the High. chop. Both of these aduation parties. -, announces that its ,uffet suppers wili ridav evening, June. Winnetlca .anad.Mrs. Ail' of Evanston are ha....,g-a i and handkerchief. sbower Cordell's home june 15; the g day Mrs. Claude Huck of e, the former Barbara Wat- Wnnetka, will have a pan- >wér and tea; Miss Betty Duranlt Studio It but rcinuins for a cicar wfarm lJune iight tb make out-o! -door dancing a thiî:g of loy, and a fitting clilenax, to many of weeks of planinig by itmm- bers of the commnittee for tIhe Portieth Anniversary Birthday bail for. Gads Hll Ce,îter Friday. evcning of ai hs zveek at Skokie, Country club. , Mr.. House on Alumni Day On Sattirday afternoon, June il, A1limni day at Northwestern uni-' versity, Kappa Alpha Theta alumnnae and their families are invited to stop in at the Theta bouse, 619 University place, Evanston, where open houpe wilI be held from 3 until 5 o'clock. rA. WILMETTE LIFE r