chosen by the .Northwvestern university c'hapter of Alpha Phi as its delegate to the biennial intiernational convention of, the frtriybing held at Pasa- dena Friday, June 24-Thursdaye June 30. TheNorth Shore Alum- nae group issending Miss Eiily Carlisie of the Orrinigton. hotel to repre5etit W Mrs. Ralph 'Strader of Evanston, the governor for. District eight, which includes Northwesterfl, Wiîs- consin,. Missouri, an& Illinois, plans to lkave for the' coast for apreà-con- venton counicil. Many girls from the North Shore chapter are planning to board the, Alpa'hi special train leaving Chi- cago june 21. Dfléàte sfandlion- delegates from the East are flying, or connecting with the special by train. Clifornia inountaitis, sea, sunshine and fiowers wiil afford the back- ground for the programn of interest- ing events that bas been planned by Beta Delta chapter at the Univers'ity of California at Los Angeles, the col- legiate hostess chapter to the con- Carlos Photo Morris Phioto miss Mary Waidner, (leit) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Waid- ner of Wilmette andMiss Emrily Carlisle of the Orringlois hotel are delegates toth b;ie MstIl in7lrional covenw~tion of 4lÉha fMiaîPasdes. lomF4 day, June 24 to Thursday, June 30. Miss Waidner has been chosen by the Nortlnvestern uni versity cha pte~r as its representatîve and. the North Shore Alurnnae group is sepnding. Miss Carlisle as ils delegate. Philathea Installation af Sunset Ridge Club Mesdames R. MacMorran, J. and Miss Louîý XXillian L. Smnith pa Alpha Theta to coine to lier home at the corner of Hudson and Rolly roads, 0lnve 11o Wednesda), June-'15, 'at123 for a picnic ;luncheoit and a sw .irnl in her outdoor pool. ln caseé of rain the party. will be po.stponed a day. Mrs. Fred G. Bauer, chiairnia n of the* luncheon commtittee, -will be, as- sisted by Mrs. W. S. Martens, Mrs. George C. Turnbull, Mrs. M. C. Ma- son, Mrs., J. Gordon. Lh1en, Mrs.- Tusten Ackerman, and. Mrs. Walter, jJ. Le.hmran. Several ýcommiîttees have recently 0 been appoinited by the president, Mrs. H. A., Morrison., Mrs. William J. Lavery, the new program chair- man., will be assisted by Mrs. Burt CocTùàn, 1Mr§ sCat~i Mi1li, M s. R. H. Olmsted, and Mrs. Harry J. Kahn. NMrs. E. W;, Garrison wiIl compile the chapter's Yearbook this summer with the help. of Mrs. Charles Knapp, Mrs. WV. W. Norris, Mrs'. Fred Baler, and Mrs. Phiilip Icke. nl Mrs. Arthur L: Reinke, first vice- , president and menibership chairman will have M,\rs. Carl Williams, Mrs. ,Rolanid Feltinan, Mrs. W. E. Schroe- ,der, and Mrs. Julian Collins onhber. Phi is fraternitil r30, 187 r"The C ,tern chi program of. enter- program i' w' plut --- eon at i1o'clock. erv oneof heoldst Installation cerernonies will be ro- e erv; es. It was founded ducted by Mrs. J. L. Murreil, assisted liauer i 72, at Syracuse uni- by Mrs. D. Stecker and Mrs. R. Original Ten." The Camipbell, who serve~ as teachers of apter, the second the group. aternity, established . Mrs. E. G. Petry, retiring presidewi. mon its membets will be succeeded by Mrs. H. C. Pif er, A Al evea iderson. Ul~ark- as assistant. ts bûtt Other committees which li i be iare to aiuîounced later are lan and fel- Spiegel -lowship, cou rtesy. transportation. v aftcr- Wins Blue Ribbon Eastern: Star Events Wýilmette chapter nunber 753) Order of the Eastern Star, will spot,. WILMETTE, LIFE