TRACY TAYLOR.. 2EAST RANDOLPm STREET with a suit of G.erman sanls as well as mast and rigging. North Shore craf.t which will par- tiiaeWili be Harry Nye's.'Gale," Wod Pirie's '«Twin, Star," and Leeds Mitcheil's "ýSimmer.e Power. Boat* The power boat race wi11 be held from Friday until Sunday.. The craft wiil travel dowà the south ibranch of the Chicago river, the sanitary and ship canai, and the Des Plaines and Ilinois rivers, negotiatlng four sets of. locks in the 100 mile run between Chicago and Starved Roc k state park, with a total drop of over 100 feet. The Chicago Yacht club will take advantage of thé f ull moon on the evening of June 16 by having an in- format race in which "R," eagle, and tiller and Ernie Carl son at the main sheet, ý"Nomnad il" finishing third, sailed by Buld :Harris. SThe'new Columnbia sailing dinghies are fast, eaiily handied littie bOats and it is expected the other' Yacht clubs will order a number of these littie yachts' making competition, acute among the clubs. Fo. Bermuda Columbia's "Rubaiyat" left Friday for St. joseph, Mich., where it will be loaded onto a flat car and shipped East to participate ln the Bermuda race. lune 12. wili- start Columnbia's. sait- ing season with the1 first 'race of the spring regatta being scheduled. There will be. three races in the spring regatta and these races wiil be syn- ~a ilev Sisters, Bon- neBaker. and an exceptionaliy f î n e Oni Tuhermaie sextet and- a glee club. ln a previeus en- gagement at the hotel Tucker and hi,; organizatiofi came from more or iess. obscurity to a position.&f consider-, able prominence in the music and dance worid. and a bost of Tucker fans wiII be glad to see him back again on the shore of Lake Michigan. Compléte floor show will be, present- ed nightly except Sunday under the titie of '.Str--UnUder the Stars." ýBesIdes the members of Tucker's organization, the show wili include. Paul Page, direct from Juneau, AMas- clu fo evry eansua evnizé;. The Michigan- City race will take E. E. Sheridan's "Sea Saga" 1 IÏplace june 18 sponsored by Colum-t schooner will be. based at Grant park bia.1 M.and Mrs. Howard L. Fogg of Wilmette Drops Gaine 73Greenwood avenue_ are going to t lniw o Pa Rcome, and other con- )ean cities; and the vks,, stroiling trouba- play during dance ln- HOME FROM SCHUUI. ig Miss Betty jane Rosen, daugbiter son last Sunday when Glenview go.t Cnut"'aies',adner ed of Mr. and Mrs. M- R. Rosen, 1045 the edge in an 8 to 17 eîlcouniter. The bis organizatioii witb enthusiasm and Elmwood avenue, arrived home Tues- game was a hard-fougbt but ýrather understandiniz that comnes from bis day froni the Sophie Newcomlb col- sloppy affair. Horder, Wilmette's vast knowledge of orchestrations and lege in New Orleans. Her sister, satn ulr loe is odmus ical research. At the age of 12, Lois Ann, who is attending the Stone- satlghrealwd9bt.go Daniel Saidenberg had already tour- leigh schooi in Rye, N. H., ivili be for 8 ruins, in six innings. His res- ed this country and Europe as a cbild home about June 17.. cuer, Huck, held the opposition prodigy. After a .periodof"studying -scoreless the rest of tbe way. Bruhn, at the Paris Conservatoire, he re- ..t........ .. .. ............................................2 o.,........... 2 ....................................... I ............................ ..............i