Rtead the Want Ads MIm MiO o1tuit tow We carry a oom- plet. stock of Âwn- Ing Iterialu, and make awilnga to neaure, or re-cover your .14 frainesreasonable. *PHONE FOlt ESTIMATS* CANOPIES RENTUD Thne new variety series, LU lJe knIIWJ as the Musical Arts Conicert series, is entirely different f rom anytbinig ever offered: Cbicago music loyers and was prepared, accordîng to Ralpb 'McCallister, coiuncil director, to mieet a long- standing demand among Chi- cago concert-goers. Th OexIs October 15 Tenew series will -open. October 15 witb Rose Bampton, great Metro- -,politani Opera I star. Anna Kaskas, contralto, wbo was a se nsation with the Chicago Opracopay, last sea- son, will be heard November 12. Jo- seph Szigeti, one* of tbe world's. finest violinists, wvill play November 26. The Gordon String Quartet, January 14;. Josepb Bentonelli, Metropolitan Opera tenor., January '28; Mozart Boys Cborus *of Vienna, February il and Gregor Piatigorsky, 'cellist on Marcb 25, comflete the series. Following the. popular price tradi- tion establîshed by the piano series, the concert series is offered at $1.50 to $4.50 f or the entire seven events- 22 cents to 64 cents forêdach-c-oicei-t. Reservations. are available now, at the Aduit Education council offces, 224 South Michigan avenue, wbere more than 2,000 subscriptions bave already been received for next sea- soni's piano series. ceremonies are nelu. On Monday morning, 2,000 degrees, includig. about 25 0 for advanced work, will be conferred ini the comf- mencement exercises in George Huiff gymnasiumn. Dr. Ernest L. Bogart, retiring as bead'of the department of economics %after 29 years of service wibthe university wilI speak. At. 10:30 o'clock tbis Friday, ap- proximately 200 degrees and cer ti- ficates wilI be awarded to graduates, of the, colleges of medicine, -dentis try, and. pharmacy, wbicb are located in Chicago. Tbese ceremonie.s. will be beld1 in the, Chicago Civic. Opera bouse. Dean David . Davis of the col- lege of ýmedicine will speak. WilI Be Broadcast Commencement will be tbe climax of 1usy acivities. 4 oth places. Alumni reunions and class day ex- ercises were held this week. Bac- calaureate services wilI be in George Huif gymnasiurn on Sunday after- noon, witb the Rev. Robert Freeman of the Pasadena, Calif., 'Presbyterian churcb speaking. *The baccalaureate and commence- ment exercises on the Urbana campus will be broadcast by tbe University's r2aiosttion. WTTT. Members were asked to do the j udging themselves, allowing tweiity points for distinction,. twenty' for color, harmony, twenty' for -propor- tion, twenty for relation of floWürS to container,- twenty. for perfection of arrangement. Blue ribbons were won by '.Ir 9. W41iam K. VYates for her miiniatu're arrangement, and by :Mrs. Edwaro Scbeidenhelm for, both her small and large, arrangements.. Red ribbons 'went to Mrs. :W-. A. 'Kendrick, for her miniature, exhibit, to Mrs.. George W. Putniam for h e r small entry, to Ms Yates for h er large one. White ribbans were awarder i o Mrs. Kendrick for berý miniature ar- rangement, to Mrs. T. E. McElroyý for ber small one, to Mrs. C. A.. La3,-' stromi for ber large exhibit. Honorable mention was r ecei ved by Mrs. Laystrom for ber miniature arrangement, by Mrs. Howard Storch for a sniall one, and by Mrs. Ntc-- Elroy for ber large one. Tbe flower show was followed bv a talk by Frank Isel of Lombard oni "Roses," wbicb proved to be flot onflv interesting but practical. He em- phasized the importance of sprayling, cultivating,. and pruning properly, an I . ,......--At. Keilworth -:Eugene C. Batier, 515 A very . successful party was beld Kenilworth avenue, B.S., EarI C. ýning Co. at tbe 1-eath Center on Suniday, Mioss, Jr., 316 Cumnor road., B*S J une 5, ini bonor of tbe 'birtbday of Wilniette: .Edward A. Beloian, 311 kLLE ST. Little Henry, a protege of the Health Third street, B. S., Shirley Bradford,. iL . Center silice a baby. Henry is be- 500 Fifthi street, A. B., Caroline Callo-ý ~ ing .cared 'for at the Martba Wasb- way, 920 Linden avenue, A.B., James WROOMI ,ington Hiome for Crippled Cbildren, F. Donabue, 907 Elmwoo.d avenue, -and is.12 years old. A,B:, James R. Fletcher, 210 Oakwood *Several members of the Womnaus avenue,, B. S., Richard R. Preston, Il and 12, at the estate of LDr. Bevan in Lake Forest. .Mrs. has tickets available. Arthur Nloody VISIT DAUGHTER Mr.George N. Lanîb) of 115 Wood- bine avenue had bier parents, Mr. andI Mrs. Johin M. Nelson of Madi- son, Xis., visiting bier over,thie week- en.i' M4r.Nelson was a mnember of. h :ext 3:30 p. in. At tliis wbo attended the froni 1 :30Jto giveni t ne the cbildren are unial ice on May 18 sician. ecnuiren wl tô pay for.a. Iwooster <(Wc home for a si bas completed ;ter, Ohio), to be inier vacation.. She ýr fresbman year.,